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Well Known Member
I'm sure this will open the proverbial "Pandora's Box" but, what are you doing to be 2020 compliant? I currently have a Dynon D100/120 EFIS/EMS setup with a non-WAAS GNS430 and a GTX-327. I have seen the Navworx box for $1299 that would seem to take care of everything and make it easy. Then there's the "upgrade creep" where I start thinking of going to a Sky View set up including the not-yet-released compliant transponder and upgrading my 430 to WAAS, even thought about selling the 430 and getting a Garmin 650. I guess I'm interested in the thoughts and ideas of others on this topic. I'll shoot an occasional approach but really have no interest in hard IFR at this point. Thanks in advance for your time and opinions.
wait and watch

Waiting till 2019 to see everything available. As with electronics these days, I figure the options will keep getting better. Maybe wishfull thinking.
Since I am still building, I plan to go with the Dynon solution.

If I had your setup, the Navworx or FreeFlight options would likely be in my future. Paying for the "W" upgrade for the 430 is far more expensive and, since you are not thinking about IFR, not the way to go but it would provide the legal WAAS output for an ES transponder.
Then there's the "upgrade creep" where I start thinking of going to a Sky View set up including the not-yet-released compliant transponder and upgrading my 430 to WAAS, even thought about selling the 430 and getting a Garmin 650.

FYI, our transponder is for sale and has been for years, and is fully compliant if hooked to a 430W or GTN. It's our 2020 GPS standalone GPS module for those without IFR navigators that has not but is just about to ship.
What am I doing? Waiting. I'm quite certain that if I buy anything now I'll regret it later.
Partly done, partly waiting

Installed a garmin GDL39 receiver to pick up the free weather and wired it to my 696 for display. Seems to work fine.

Will wait until much closer to the deadline to decide what to do about the out portion. Currently do not have a wass approved GPS source so would be leaning towards one of the all in one boxes at this point.

But I expect a lot to change between now and then!

I'm not doing nothing. I fly for fun. Come 11/19, electronics will be cheaper, rules would have changed, and I may be 6ft under. Who knows. Enjoying the moment now and really appreciate all those who have paved the way by purchasing 2020 stuff and doing the shake down cruise on all the bugs and process issues.
I have now installed 4+ Navworx -EXP boxes and they are by far the easiest and cheapest way to go if you don't have an ES transponder or an IFR WAAS GPS.

I installed one today that took all of 2 minutes to configure. The hardest part of the install was running a power wire from the panel to the tailcone of the RV-7A. That wire and a local airframe ground and the two antennas and it was done. The display is Wing X on the iPad, so there is not even any display wire. Super easy to install.
An all Dynon suite

I don't understand why Dynon is ceding this very profitable territory to others. I want an all Dynon solution for experimental aircraft. We don't need no stinking TSOs! Just meet the same standards and give me WAAS GPS solution that feeds my Dynon Skyview! Why we have to continue to buy these [ed. Removed vendor bashing stuff... dr] products to "feed" our Dynon products is beyond me. And, I'm guessing it's beyond me for a reason. I'm sure there are some really good reasons why Dynon hasn't invaded this space yet, I'd just like to know what they are.
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Seems like every month I read something about a new ADS-B product coming out or some issue with the FAA on an existing product... I installed a Pathfinder connected to my iEFIS systems and it works fine for now. I'll wait and see what mid 2019 has to offer, or longer if the feds extend the rule.
My 600 EXP is working fine with the exception of intermit "NO GPS" warnings on WingX that last for about 2 seconds then returns to normal operation. Does this on the ground and in flight. I am using a non-waas GA-56 ANT that Navworx said was perfectly accepitable. My FAA ADSB performance report was normal with no failures.

Anyone else have any similar issues?


Don Bodnar
I don't understand why Dynon is ceding this very profitable territory to others. I want an all Dynon solution for experimental aircraft. We don't need no stinking TSOs! Just meet the same standards and give me WAAS GPS solution that feeds my Dynon Skyview! Why we have to continue to buy these ridiculously overpriced Garmin products to "feed" our Dynon products is beyond me. And, I'm guessing it's beyond me for a reason. I'm sure there are some really good reasons why Dynon hasn't invaded this space yet, I'd just like to know what they are.

I guess you haven't seen any of the announcements Dynon has been publishing since OSH......
They are supposed to begin shipping THIS very soon.
I will be getting one to use with the AFS 5600T system that I am installing to upgrading the panel in my 6A.
Still Not Legal

I guess you haven't seen any of the announcements Dynon has been publishing since OSH......
They are supposed to begin shipping THIS very soon.
I will be getting one to use with the AFS 5600T system that I am installing to upgrading the panel in my 6A.

I've got a Dynon 2020 on order. But, as I understand it, and according to Dynon, that still won't make me LEGAL to shoot a RNAV approach using just my Skyview system. What I'm asking is that Dynon put all the other necessary components in place to give us that capability.
I've got a Dynon 2020 on order. But, as I understand it, and according to Dynon, that still won't make me LEGAL to shoot a RNAV approach using just my Skyview system. What I'm asking is that Dynon put all the other necessary components in place to give us that capability.

What you're asking for is a full-up gps Navigator. The TSO requirements are so onerous for this that a company needs to be prepared to spend millions of dollars on approvals before they see a cent in return. Only the larger companies can afford to make that kind of investment. And then be prepared to face stiff price competition from the established companies that have already amortized these costs.

Back to the topic: I'm a little different. I already have a 430W that, for a $100 software upgrade, will work as a gps source. I already have ADSB-in via SkyRadar (love the free wx). I can see wx and traffic on both an iPad and my GRT HX screen. Given what I've got, my lowest cost route to ADSB-out appears to be the Garmin software upgrade, plus a TT22 (modified to use the GRT HX as a control head) for a mode SES output. Cost $2200, minus the trade in value of my 327 mode C. No new coax or antennas needed. I'll probably do this before my next transponder check is due, as I'm tired of seeing myself as ghost traffic.
I have been spoiled by traffic and weather

from my portable transceiver ---- in a fairly busy traffic area, the screen traffic, as a supplement to the not-so-20/20 eyeballs, has been very helpful in planning my airport approaches and routing. The weather reporting has been so much help on cross-countrys. So, I decided to ditch my "non-compliant" portable and ordered a Navworx EXP. Not having a Dynon or GRT screen (yet), I will continue to display on my iFly 740 and a backup iPad.
I've got a Dynon 2020 on order. But, as I understand it, and according to Dynon, that still won't make me LEGAL to shoot a RNAV approach using just my Skyview system. What I'm asking is that Dynon put all the other necessary components in place to give us that capability.

Copy that.
I wasn't reading in that context because the thread subject was 2020 ADS-B compliance, and you didn't mention anything about other capabilities.
Me too

My 600 EXP is working fine with the exception of intermit "NO GPS" warnings on WingX that last for about 2 seconds then returns to normal operation. Does this on the ground and in flight. I am using a non-waas GA-56 ANT that Navworx said was perfectly accepitable. My FAA ADSB performance report was normal with no failures.

Anyone else have any similar issues?


Don Bodnar

Ive just installed mine and only flown twice but I see the same GPS drop out occasionally for a second or two at a time. This with the NavWorx supplied GPS receiver and a good FAA report.
Tim Andres
I don't understand why Dynon is ceding this very profitable territory to others. I want an all Dynon solution for experimental aircraft. We don't need no stinking TSOs! Just meet the same standards and give me WAAS GPS solution that feeds my Dynon Skyview! Why we have to continue to buy these ridiculously overpriced Garmin products to "feed" our Dynon products is beyond me. And, I'm guessing it's beyond me for a reason. I'm sure there are some really good reasons why Dynon hasn't invaded this space yet, I'd just like to know what they are.

Since you're actually talking about GPS Navigators and not ADS-B...

Have a look at the TSOs for GPS navigators, including hardware, software, databases, RAIM, environments, etc. Then see if you think it's worth Dynon's time to try to break into an already pretty saturated market for GPS navigators while risking a ton of money to make that attempt.

I didn't like paying a ton of money for my 430W, either, but at least I didn't pay any more for it than if I owned a certificated plane and had a shop upgrade it. [ed. Removed vendor bashing stuff... dr]

But I'd still rather have Dynon focus on their EFIS/XPDR/AP/ADS-B/GPS stuff than get out of their wheelhouse and into certified navigators.
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Any way the navworx info can display on a 696 or 796?

I love the 696 which also drives my trutrak gemini.

I have now installed 4+ Navworx -EXP boxes and they are by far the easiest and cheapest way to go if you don't have an ES transponder or an IFR WAAS GPS.

I installed one today that took all of 2 minutes to configure. The hardest part of the install was running a power wire from the panel to the tailcone of the RV-7A. That wire and a local airframe ground and the two antennas and it was done. The display is Wing X on the iPad, so there is not even any display wire. Super easy to install.
I am 2020 compliant. I already had the Garmin 430W box so in 2013 I connected it to my DYNON SkyView system (Transponder & ADS-B Receiver) with the proper software upgrades and problem solved. I cancelled my $50/mo XM weather subscription back then so my ADS-B receiver has already paid for itself and is now slowly paying my transponder.

I have been debating on this in my mind. I am torn between a 327 or similar for now and upgrading to an ES transponder in 2019 - BUT, here's the rub - now that 327 is worth close to half the cost of th ES - but in 2019 those C transponders are going to be boat anchors as the market is flooded with non-compliant units. Will the compliant transponders have come down enough to justify waiting? The internal debate rages on... With a Dynon panel I can get fully compliant for about $2500 OVER the cost of a 327 ($3500 or so total). That's $2500 I can spend on A LOT of flying...
The 327 will never be a boat anchor. As long as you use a stand-alone ads-b solution like the Navworx box or Freeflight system, the 327 will be adequate as a transponder forever (at least for the foreseeable future). A plane can be compliant with a Narco AT-150, which most consider boat anchors already.
Waiting till 2019 to see everything available. As with electronics these days, I figure the options will keep getting better. Maybe wishfull thinking.

This is my plan... I just might include a panel upgrade too.
Same here. Waiting. I see special transponders for sale and yada yada yada and I can't -- I just can't -- even think of the fact that some of the stuff I bought just a few years ago will need to be replaced.

So I'll probably just go full cheap and do the bare minimum sometime around November 2019. Maybe December.
Problem with waiting until Dec. 2019, according to Garmin seminar I just attended, is: so will many others, and you may get stuck in a log jam, and find your plane grounded 1/1/20 until the log jam clears.
I have the Dynon 261 TXP and ADS-B receiver, waiting on the 2020 GPS to hopefully kill the ghost traffic. Dan from Reno
I'll delay my final decision until 2019, by then I may also be ready to replace my GRT avionics and purchase a more integrated system. I'm also watching the Appareo ESG transponder below. My alternator has only 17 amps output so my preference would be to remove and replace a component rather than adding an additional one.
G3X GPS20A-GA-35 Ant

I have installed a dual 10" G3X w/autpilot and 305 controller. I then added the GSP 20A and GA 35 ant which provided the 2020 IN & OUT requirements.
Just waiting

I'll wait for the mandate. They don't always happen on schedule.

4 years of development should work in my favor.
Installed a SkyRadar dual band receiver for "in" when I installed my new GRT Hxr. Upgraded my GTX330 to "ES", and had the latest software installed in my GNS-430W to get the "out" up and running.
2020 Compliant

Thanks to Walt, I took advantage of a deal on a FreeFlight Rangr978XVR a year ago. I have a non-WAAS GNS-430 and a GTX327. The FreeFlight included a WAAS gps and also a WiFi module to send traffic and weather to my iPad. Got it wired up in August, and wow, it's great to get traffic and weather on both the iPad and on my GRT EFIS. Been checked by the FAA (link on another VAF thread) and all good. Nice.

Cost me $3000 and some time. Support from Walt and from FreeFlight has been outstanding. You may be able to do it for less - or more. Depends what equipment you have and what capability you want. You do need to analyze the options vis'a'vis what you have ... etc.

Best regards,

Up and running

Since the RV10 I purchased last January had a GTN650 the real expensive part was already installed. I sold my Garmin 327 and installed the Dynon Trig22 transponder and SV ADSB-470. Dropped the XM weather saving $50 per month. My wife flys with me often and she likes having weather and traffic. After flying with a dual Skyview system for a year I really like it. Even better after installing the knob and A/P panels.

Thanks to Walt, I took advantage of a deal on a FreeFlight Rangr978XVR a year ago. I have a non-WAAS GNS-430 and a GTX327. The FreeFlight included a WAAS gps and also a WiFi module to send traffic and weather to my iPad. Got it wired up in August, and wow, it's great to get traffic and weather on both the iPad and on my GRT EFIS. Been checked by the FAA (link on another VAF thread) and all good. Nice.

Cost me $3000 and some time. Support from Walt and from FreeFlight has been outstanding. You may be able to do it for less - or more. Depends what equipment you have and what capability you want. You do need to analyze the options vis'a'vis what you have ... etc.

Best regards,


What version of software is required on the 430W for the ADSB? I need to check mine.
Considering - Otherwise waiting

My RV-8 has a Garmin GNS 430 W and a Garmin GTX 327 transponder, AFT 4500 EFIS.

Remove and sell the GTX 327.

Buy and install the Garmin GTX 330 ES (not sure this will fit in an RV-8).

Update the software on my GNS 430.

Use Ipad Mini with Foreflight and Status II to receive ADSB in.
My RV-8 has a Garmin GNS 430 W and a Garmin GTX 327 transponder, AFT 4500 EFIS.

Remove and sell the GTX 327.

Buy and install the Garmin GTX 330 ES (not sure this will fit in an RV-8).

Update the software on my GNS 430.

Use Ipad Mini with Foreflight and Status II to receive ADSB in.

I see this and I wonder why you would spend more $ doing this rather than installing a NavWorx box. The difference in the 327 and 330ES used it more than the cost of the NavWorx, and the wiring would be TONS easier. Then you would get all of the weather and traffic on the AFS and could still use the Stratus and Firelight as you describe above. 4 wires total from your panel to the NavWorx (Power, Altitude, Control and Display), and you can put it anywhere. The only downside of the NavWorx is the need to install 2 more antennas.
GTX 330

This radio is tight in my RV-8 but does fit. I plan to modify to an ES version which is not terribly pricy. Hope you find a good solution. Bill
What version of software is required on the 430W for the ADSB? I need to check mine.

I think it's v6? Easy check:go to the set up page for the RS-232 outputs, check the options. If you see"ADSB+" you're good. If not you need the upgrade.("ADSB" is no good, you need the +")
This radio is tight in my RV-8 but does fit. I plan to modify to an ES version which is not terribly pricy. Hope you find a good solution. Bill

You can go to a Trig TT-22 which does read Garmin's ADSB+ format, and has a remote box so there is little panel space needed. And it's a lot cheaper.
You can go to a Trig TT-22 which does read Garmin's ADSB+ format, and has a remote box so there is little panel space needed. And it's a lot cheaper.

Or the TT-31 which will fit in a KT76 tray.
(Buttons on the box.)

Swapping my GTX327 for GTX330ES adding GPS20A

Last year I upgraded my analog gauges to duel Garmin G3X screens.
This year I'm swapping my GTX327 transponder for a GTX330ES and adding a remote GPS20A.
Got a lot of work done on the upgrade this past weekend.
Yesterday it started out at 8 degrees with a feels like at -4. I have a small electric heater that I attached a flexible dryer duct to and put in the cockpit, it kept me from turning into a Popsicle. Check out the upgrade details on my website:

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I went all Dynon in my -10. When their compliant 2020 GPS came out last week, I ordered one and installed it. A test flight and a report from the FAA ADSB site said I was fully 2020 compliant.

Nice job, Dynon
I think it's v6? Easy check:go to the set up page for the RS-232 outputs, check the options. If you see"ADSB+" you're good. If not you need the upgrade.("ADSB" is no good, you need the +")

I just had my 430W software upgraded. The current version is 5.2 main with 5.0 for GPS. The shop told me 5.1 was released for ADSB and 5.2 was released for Flightstream. So 5.1 will work for ADSB if you don't have Flightstream.

I am considering quitting flying,
Also I am thinking of moving to an airport that is not under Class B.
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