
Well Known Member
Hi everybody,
I am seeing more and more trails inside my exhaust pipes. I do not burn oil and it doesn't look like lead.
As I never saw that on other airplanes I am wondering if it is normal.
Any idea ?

I am not an expert so this is just a hypothisis.
One of the byproducts of combustion is water, you see it dripping from car exhausts. Maybe the water is washing some of the exhaust soot from the pipes and creating the soot trails as it dries?
Here's another guess

Maybe you have some kind of little furry varmint trying to crawl up the pipes to make a nest and the lines are from her sharp little claws. How's the motor been running? Kinda hairy?
Best regards, Bill Bluebird RV-8a 107 hrs
My guess would be a combination of oil/lead/moisture.

Do you typically run rich? Notice any oil consupmtion? Have a smoke system?
Interesting, I have the same deposits so would be curious to know.

I run LOP most of the time and don't have a smoke system.

I saw the same on mine. Just assumed it was the mouse milk I put on the ball joints getting blown out. Water would be a good guess too. Engine sounds good, runs good...all good
I have almost no oil consumption. I am running LOP 90% of the time.
I'm glad to hear that others have the same thing. It should mean this is normal.
Still looking for other ideas :D
A bit of the awesome leaking out? Not to worry, Lycomings produce more as they run. :)

My money is on h2o.