
Well Known Member
Hi All,
Just thought I would post an update on the state of my engine for the RV8- I have shipped it to the good folks at Aerosport Power for a tear down and inspection, and Sue just sent me a few pics of the inside....
Needless to say, I was interested, and I thought I should share.

Bart is going to have to replace all seals/gaskets , bring the oil impeller up to standards (AD from ummm 198??), grind the main to bring the crank to proper tolerance, and get the Bendix torn down/tested.

Here is a link to a few pics....

.....And you know what?

.....That engine could very well have run as is but your prudence is wise, Chris. It would have been kinda like a hand grenade with the pin juuust about out.

Very cool to see those pics and what a 30 year old stored engine looks like. Bart & Sue will take good care of it from here.