
Well Known Member
While I have to confess to not being super thrilled with the title the editors came up with, I can't think of anything short of a Lindy that means as much to me as having the honor of having my story published in Sport Aviation. I have a lot to be thankful for in my life, but having had the support of my family and fellow builders for this project is very close to the top of the list.

For the full article, see here.


That is great! It is great to see how others have shared their building experience with friends and family. I have friends and family spread out all over the place and am trying to capture as much of the ups and downs via a blog as well. There is a lot that goes on throughout the build and a lot of it isn't in the garage, but thinking through things late at night, in the shower and while day dreaming. That is hard to capture.

Congrats! Great article.
Awesome Dave!!

Congratulations Dave! The article is well deserved and kudos for not only a fine looking RV-12, but for taking the time to document your RV-12 building experience on your outstanding Blog. It has been such an informative Blog and reference for myself and I?m sure many current RV-12 builders as well. You have such a great flair for transforming the mundane into an informative, yet humorous read.
Dave great article and the title seems right. We are building a 12 here and your web blog is always open. Thanks :)

PS Not an RV12 but hey let me join the club...



I have been reading and totally enjoying your writing for years.


Me too. It was the last thing I did before I went to sleep last night. I just wanted to check something in the plans that confused me, and found that it confused you too at first.