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Best guess as to what I am?



  • Explosive Rivet Setting (Heat) Gun.jpg
    Explosive Rivet Setting (Heat) Gun.jpg
    198.1 KB · Views: 510
A chorded thermal ray gun which can do double duty as a no-hands tube shrinking device.
That's the doohickey that connects the whatchamacallit to the thigamagigg of the four-straff blower of the cooling system.

This Is What I am ...

Mike Starkey is the BIG winner!

It is a 1941 (original) DuPont Rivet Setting Iron #3 - for setting explosive rivets, for "field" repairs during the war; and, on some original builds, in those impossible to get to places.

Mike - Your "prize" is already in the mail (you may have already gotten it!)



  • Explosive Rivet (Heat) Gun - Data Plate.jpg
    Explosive Rivet (Heat) Gun - Data Plate.jpg
    276.1 KB · Views: 201
Mike - Your "prize" is already in the mail (you may have already gotten it!)


Not yet-----but I will keep watch for it :D:D My favorite sweets !!!

Saw a video of these in use that Vultures Row Aviation put out when they did the tail cone on a Corsair.
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Dang! I knew what it was as soon as I saw it, but I didn’t see it until just now because I was out in the shop playing with a magazine project.

And I have a strip of aluminum with holes drilled JUST for the explosive rivets so I can demonstrate them…..with a torch!
On Piper Comanches explosive rivets were used on the skins over the stabilator attach brackets. The shop head side is certainly strange in appearance and looking at them makes one think they are completely underdriven and too long conventional AN rivets.
DuPont history

The history of the DuPont company is interesting. I worked for them one summer.

They started their company in this country making gunpowder. Safety was their number one priority, and, I believe, still is.

I’m thinking this special tool for explosive rivets used gunpowder made by DuPont.
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I've seen that before!!

I think my proctologist used something like that on me once. The one he used was quite a bit bigger unfortunately... :eek:
DuPont History - Right Again ...

And here's what they look like:



  • DuPont Explosive Rivets.jpg
    DuPont Explosive Rivets.jpg
    332.1 KB · Views: 265
What Am I ... Follow Up

I checked, on my MacBook Air, before posting the pic, whether or not the caption was visible - it wasn't, so like a dumb s**t, I went ahead an posted it without another thought.

Later, thru a PM, Mike noted my "faux pas" - to completely expose my ignorance in such things - oh well, it is what it is!

Thanks for listening.

