Well Known Member
I am getting closer each day with my six. I am putting the pitot static system in and I got to thinking.

Admittedly I know little other that I want the new Dynon Skyview.

I also want to have on screen weather to be displayable
(so I can steer clear of it).

I think I have seen or heard that there are variuos providers for this and some of them come through an XM signal and even provide stereo music at the same time.

What are my best options in your opinion?

Please fill me in on what you know, including the music part for the misses:p

I thank you for your knowledge :cool:
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I am sure there

very knowledgeable people on the forum that can give you great information. However, I will pass on a friends experience in his -7A --- he has the Grand Rapids screens and has hooked the NavWorx ADS-B box to them. He gets weather and traffic on his screen and just loves it. I think he only gets traffic if someone else is transmitting an "out" signal. However, NavWorx now has a transeiver that will interogate the ADS-B traffic system.

I do not know if Dynon yet has the ADS-B capability (my iPad with WingX does).
Thanks that helps.

very knowledgeable people on the forum that can give you great information. However, I will pass on a friends experience in his -7A --- he has the Grand Rapids screens and has hooked the NavWorx ADS-B box to them. He gets weather and traffic on his screen and just loves it. I think he only gets traffic if someone else is transmitting an "out" signal. However, NavWorx now has a transeiver that will interogate the ADS-B traffic system.

I do not know if Dynon yet has the ADS-B capability (my iPad with WingX does).

That definitely sounds safer and useful, I will look into that setup.

I still need to know what satellite radio provider also offer music for my wife and I on longer trips?

Anyones input would be appreciated.:)
I think you're looking for XM when it comes to weather and music Tom. I know that many folks bristle at the the thought of paying a monthly service fee when the FAA is going to eventually provide weather for free....ut until ground site coverage is 100" reliable at terrain levels out west, I prefer my essential weather information come from ABOVE (ie, satellite). I'd hate to lose weather information just when I need it most because I was out of range of a ground transmitter. That's just my preference of course.

You say you want XM Weather and Radio?

I also want to have on screen weather to be displayable.

I think I have seen or heard that there are various providers for this and some of them come through an XM signal and even provide stereo music at the same time.

What are my best options in your opinion?

Please fill me in on what you know, including the music part for the misses:p


There is one experimental EFIS that takes XM weather and radio so seriously that the receiver is built into the display. With a G3X system, you don't have to mount a separate box to get this function and G3X has supported XM weather and radio since it was first introduced several years ago.

Even though the GDU375 display is only 1.09 inches deep and weighs only 1.7 lbs, both the XM receiver and the GPS receiver are integrated with the display and the antenna connections are conveniently located on the back of the display as shown in this picture.


The XM stereo music is output from pins on the display connector. I recommend you consider connecting the stereo music to the Music 2 input on a GMA240 audio panel. The GMA240 really excels at providing access to your XM music. There is a dedicated MUSIC button to rapidly enable/disable the selected music source and the co-pilot intercom volume knob can be pulled out to turn it into a dedicated music volume knob. Setting the music volume in this fashion is much more convenient that changing the music volume from an MFD page (which is also available). The GMA240 allows you to choose (again through lighted front panel buttons) whether or not the music is muted when someone talks on the intercom or you receive a call on the COM radio.


Let us know if you have any questions.
