
Well Known Member
This was from a few weeks ago on a gorgeous Southern California day after the rains cleared away all the smog/ haze that's typically in the LA basin. We woke up to brilliant blue skies, scattered with fluffy white clouds. I wanted to go flying. My wife wanted to go hiking. I said, why not do both? So we did! But not before I went up first by myself to do one of my favorite things. :D





Great shots on a beautiful day, much appreciated by this old SOCAL guy. You even managed to work the Queen Mary and old Spruce Goose display hangar (geodedic dome) in the harbor shot. Did my share of T&Gs at CPM. Looks good from the air.
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the write up and cool pics Brian. Looks fun. I'll be watching your progress this year in the IAC. You inspire me.
Awesome pics Brian. I still don?t know how you practice over water, but it sure is pretty! I can tell you?ve got the aerobatic bug bad!
Awesome pics Brian. I still don?t know how you practice over water, but it sure is pretty! I can tell you?ve got the aerobatic bug bad!

For practicing sequences (IAC competition), it's much more preferable to have ground references, but for fun "free-style" aerobatics, the beautiful view over the Socal coast is hard to beat. :cool:

I occasionally use the breakwater (like on this day), which is a great ground reference, but most of the time, I stay to the west where there's no good references, but less traffic.

Yes, I've got the bug, and I love it! I started late in life so I feel like I have to work extra hard to catch up to you guys. There's so much to learn!
Thanks for the write up and cool pics Brian. Looks fun. I'll be watching your progress this year in the IAC. You inspire me.

Thanks Charlie. I'm not doing anything special other than having fun! As far as "progress in IAC", I don't know... it's a lot to learn and these guys have WAY more experience and skills than me in Sportsman. I'm actually not that competitive, but love aerobatics just for the fun of expression in three dimensions. Getting involved in contest flying is a great way to improve and meet some some great people. But I'm definitely not doing it to win a bunch of trophies b/c I'll probably be disappointed. I'll leave that to the pros like Jerry. :)