
Well Known Member
Hiya fellas
Just wanted to share what a amazing night I had last night, yesterday I flew
from Smoketown down to Atlanta it was a good flight just ran into some crud
around DC but other than that it was a good trip. I flew into KFFC and visited
with the Falcon RV Group a great group of guys! Then I flew up to KPDK and got
ready for the main event I got the incredible honor of meeting the man I think
of as my personal hero....I surprised Bob "Punchy" Powell at a dinner at the
57th FG restaurant and got to show him my 8 painted in his honor. It was really
something at the table at sat at there was Punchy ( a WWII P-51 ace) a SR-71
pilot ,a F/A-18 pilot who flew in the second Gulf war a ret AF General and a
Marine Harrier pilot and my new Friend Bill who flew helicopters and A-10s :)
needless to say I spent the whole night with my jaw on the floor listening to
their stories. I don't say this lightly it was one of the greatest experiences
of my life!!!!
Anyway I have some really neat pics that when I get home I will post
All the Best guys!
Cool beans!

Sounds like a great evening. Would love to see pix.

Reminds me of Oshkosh about 15 years ago when they were honoring the pilots of VF-17, the original "Jolly Rogers" of WWII. Having just read the late CO's book -- and with their paint scheme on my plane -- I was eager to hear the stories.

I won't hijack your thread, so suffice it to say that it was one of the most memorable Oshkosh years ever for me.

That has to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen! The look on his face was priceless when he saw your airplane!

I love how you chose to single out and honor a true hero with your paint scheme (I have planned something similar since I started my RV).

Thanks for sharing!
I get it now

Ya know, I never really understood the reason for painting your personal aircraft to commemorate someone else's warbird, but this video helped me understand one really good reason to do it. What a great tribute to a great American. The look on his face was priceless. These guys (and anyone who serves honorably) deserve our thanks and respect.

It was great of you to take the plane down for him to see Kirk.
Before too much longer...

there will be a new RV9 touring the USA that has some of the colors of the 466th Bombardment Group (Heavy), 8th USAAF. because the plane may be going to central america eventually, it can't initially be too authentically US military, but the vertical stabilizer at least will be reminiscent of the 466th. my father is a veteran of that unit and i want to see the look on HIS face when those colors go zipping by.
Thanks guys,
these last two days have been without a doubt (next to marrying my wife and my kids) the two best days of my life. I spent the day with Punchy today and went to lunch with him at a Silver Wings lunch, and then he took me too his house and showed my his collection....WOW my mouth was on the floor the whole time. I got to see the panel off his Mustang, I got to see maps that he carried with him on combat missions. His collection was simply stunning when I get home I have to sit down and write everything up just so I have it down.
I am a bit at a loss of words I kinda was choked up a bunch these last two days.
Anyway These RVs are great with out the RV a putz like me would not have had the chance to meet true Heros
God Bless our service men and women,

Oh by the way if you see this Senator, Thank You Sir you are a true gentleman
So Cool

Oh how I wish I could show the Doll to Col. John D. Landers. His P-51D was always my favorite. I built a flying radio control model of the Big Beautiful Doll five years before anyone, other than Van, even knew about the RV-8. I would like to think Col Landers would react in a similar manner.

What you did was so cool.
It really was a amazing experience , as much as Punchy enjoyed it I was the one who had the time of my life it was very very cool.