
Well Known Member
Totally useless post but as most know, it was one year ago this Sunday when I returned from lunch to find the jump school 180 sitting on top of Black Magic. Yesterday was one of those perfect flying days, weather wise here in central KY. It just so happened my work schedule cooperated with me taking advantage of the weather. In the morning, I met up with Joker to do some FFI two ship formation this stuff:D After an hour or so of Joker busting my behind, I returned to my home airport in time to meet my noon running group for a fun 5 mile run. I left the airplane I had to go back to the airport;) My home airport is the base of operation for the local university's baccalaureate aviation program, with CFI's running around everywhere. These CFI's spend all day doing 30 degree turns, climbs at a given speed, bouncing it down the runway with the students. Suffice to say, they jump at the chance to go flying in an RV. I ended up doing two more hops which included 12-15 rolls with the final flight ending with two loops, the final one with a roll at the bottom continuing past horizontal into a 2G, 60 degree reversal turn.

Ended up meeting some friends at the local university's climbing wall followed by a few adult beverages.

It doesn't get much better than yesterday. I'm not even going to get into all the IFR work I've done with the GRT unit with SAP, plates loaded and coupled to the autopilot, Barrett Precision engine running like a top and generally just grinning by butt off every time I put the power to her:D

Dogg is showing up here tonight from Columbus in his 8. We are going to Cincy as a two ship tomorrow morning to be a formation in the Knights Air Rally. In the rally, you tell them how long it will take you to fly the 100 mile, give or take a few miles, route. Closest to the predicted finishing time wins.

Keep on pounding, get out to the garage. I've said it before and I'll say it again...after you fly your RV for the first time, you will kick yourself in the butt for not getting it done sooner!!

Hum, I wonder if I can squeeze a little flying in today....of course I can:D
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enough already

I think you're having just a little too much fun hanging out with jokers and dogs. After that incident, are you gonna be 'slice'?

And Enjoy the View!

Dana, I thought the Kentucky country was some of the prettiest I flew over in my long trip - a really stunning landscape from 6,500MSL on a clear spring day. I found myself looking down and thinking "Yeah, I could use a nice horse farm down there, with some sweet Kentucky babe handing me a cool mint julep as I sit on the porch and survey my domain!" (OK, this is the kind of random thought that happens to you when you are in the cockpit alone for many hours each day.... :D)

Enjoy the flying, and keep an eye out for errant 180s....:rolleyes:
It's great you're telling this story Dana.

As one of the many who almost shed a tear when reading about the original "incident"...I''ve followed the rebuild's so great you're in the air again! Hope to meet you one of these days-