
Well Known Member
Please take a minute and read the attached story. It appears in this months Plane and Pilot and is also on line now. The story was written by fellow VAF member, RV9 builder, Air med pilot and my great friend, Glenn Brasch. During this time of the year, stories such as this are what it is all about.

Who knows if this flight provided this young man with what it took inside his frail body to beat the cancer. One thing for sure, it didn't hurt. Many lives were changed on that day.

Nice story. Glad to hear the young mans's disease is in remission. We should all be thankful for people who do this sort of thing for others. Merry Christmas
A great story indeed.

Knowing that having the funds and capacity to build my RV is a true blessing from God, I've been giving a lot of thought about how to honor him for this gift.

I've been thinking of this very thing!

I hope to be flying in a year, but it'll be done when it's done. When it is, I'll be looking for ways to get hooked up with kids like this in the southeastern Wisconsin/northeastern Illinois area.

It doesn't sound like a simple posting on a bulletin board at maybe Children's Hospital would be all that productive, so, if anyone has any good ideas of how to promote this sort of activity please let me know.

Didn't mean to hijack this thread though.
Great story Glenn. Good on you for your persistence. You should send this story to the hospital social worker and ask her to read it, then post it on the bulletin board.
Ride for Danny

This message really touched my heart. I had a son who died at age 20 before I could give him a ride in the RV-10 I'm building. Also a good friend and mother figure to my wife is dieing of lung cancer in our house. We hope she sees this Christmas. Flying is at least one "uplifting" thing I can do!

The little things God allows us to do are never little things. Thanks, Glenn, for a great story of an even greater event.

Bob Kelly