

Today, My wife (Sunny), 1 year old daughter (Christina), and I were able to make it up to 52F today on the way back to Killeen TX from our holiday road trip to NY. We met up with Doug, Rick Freeman, and Danny King. It was great to see these machines up close first (and only) meeting with Flash and the 'Doll were the TX RV fly in of 2005. The wife and I were able to try both on for size and fit. Good news is that I think she's sold on RV-8 now!

Thanks are in order for Danny...he really knows how to sell the "practical points" when in reality everyone wants an 8 because it is just cooler!

So I have my motivation now to clear out the garage from junk and try to clear out enough space to start building. Don't know how my Army career will effect the build process...hoping not to have to move the project too many times! :eek:

One thing for sure...the Mrs. and I already decided that we're coming back to TX to "retire" once the military is done with me (2019!!). Having met the crew we met today, the Ft. Worth / Denton area has moved up on the list of places to live...just for the oportunity to live near, socialize with, and shoot the bull with these great gentlemen. Thanks!
Welcome Back

Hello and thank you for your service. I live in Gatesville and work in Cove. I am about to start on the fuse of my 6. Feel free to contact me if you would like to check up on my self and my friends when the construction is underway. GOP is a little bit closer than 52F.:D