Scott Meade

I'm New Here
Impressions of LOE from an outsider

Just a quick note of congrats and appreciation of the strong community that RV owners have built. I am not a builder. I have been a kit-plane voyeur for some time, starting when I stumbled upon Checkoway's site. This post is specifically about the impressions I, as an outsider, got from the LOE write-ups.

Reading the write-ups I see a unique mix of professionalism, friendship, compassion, and flat-out fun in the RV community. What other group raises such generous giving to charities, enjoys a ''Running of the Robs'", formation flying, and passes an inspection by the Honorable Red Marron on Big Red all in the same weekend while keeping it safe and professional?!

In the eternal search for interesting flying photos, I see a lot of kit-plane images. What strikes me about those images is that while the glass planes look slick, their pilots often look too darn serious to the point where you wonder if they are having fun, which - I believe - is the whole point of flying. Where's the big grin and twinkle of gratitude in their eyes? For my money, I'd take the RV grin over sexy curves!

Which brings me right back to the community. Events like LOE really showcase that you lucky guys (and gals) can be both professional and fun. Congrats on the special group you have, thanks for letting me peek in, and I might just join you with a project of my own down the road.
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Jump on in, the water's fine!:D IMHO, the RV gives you the most fun, or "bang for the buck" of any plane out there.

I think your observations of the RV Community is spot on. To paraphrase an old lawyer joke; It's that 99% that give a "good" name to the rest!

Welcome to the group!
I have been a kit-plane voyeur for some time, starting when I stumbled upon Checkoway's site
Hmmmm....never quite heard it stated quite that way...but it works for me!
RVer's are indeed a special bunch:)

Playing with the F/G wing tips...installing K1000-06 nut plates..drilled my left ring finger, just missing my ring. I haven't done that in months. :D Didn't hurt too much, I was on my second glass of Chardonnay;)
Nicely said. I have found RV'ers to be just about the best group I have ever had the privilege of joining. And the planes aren't bad, either!

Feel free to join us. All it costs is all your time and all your money for the next X years!

Bob Kelly