
Well Known Member
Has anybody else purchased a common wire harness from SteinAir or Van's?

I am trying to figure out how to run the stick wire wire bundle. The issue is that the wires are connected up to a flat rectangular port connector. There is no way to run this connector through the 3/4" holes that they are supposed to go through. I assume that the connector has to be removed to run the wire bundle and then put back in place.

I assume that the wire bundle should not be free hanging in the area where the aileron pushrods are.

If there is a common wire harness with all the connectors on (I have not seen Van's wire harness), then why aren't the holes bigger than 3/4? Or have the holes notched like the rest of the holes for the wire harness that runs to the tail cone?

Am I missing something?

Is there another way to fix the wires in place?

Sometimes I wish that I had not started this project. I am building slow, but apparently not slow enough to get the most up to date parts to the kit.

If one looks at Section 55, then one will notice that the holes where the stick wires run (a 3/4" hole) has an extra notch taken out so that the plug will run through it. There is no bloody way I can do this at this point.

Needless to say I am annoyed.

Not only that but I imagine that if you purchased the wire harness from Van's then one would have gotten all the snap bushings for running the harness. Now I have to go and buy them. Nickel and dimed to death.

Annoyed Builder 140073
I am trying to figure out how to run the stick wire wire bundle. The issue is that the wires are connected up to a flat rectangular port connector. There is no way to run this connector through the 3/4" holes that they are supposed to go through. I assume that the connector has to be removed to run the wire bundle and then put back in place.

I assume that the wire bundle should not be free hanging in the area where the aileron pushrods are. SNIP

Here is another example of the RV-14 kit making decisions for builders that may not be what you want. For example the stick molex plug holder is useless if you decide to use something like the Infinity grip. Same goes for the wing molex plug holders.

For an RV-14A build I helped on the infinity grip cable comes out of the stick, makes a nice loop, then to an adel clamp on the seat frame. A D connector is added to allow for stick removal before the cable goes through the center bulkhead.

In short, look passed what the kit wants you to do and decide what you want.

Harness woes


You may not like this answer but...

In addition the the plug not fitting through the holes it?s likely that the harness is too short to allow for full stick movement. Mine was. Cut off that plug and either make an extension or get one from Stein. I happen to know they make them. There is an older post about this I believe.

I think Vans addressed this but not in time for me or you.

I got the common fuse harness from Stein. Vans gets it from them so I just went direct so I could make a couple of changes. I also had them terminate the forward ends to match the avionics harness (which I also got from Stein.). That probably saved me weeks of work.

Hope this helps.
Sometimes I wish that I had not started this project. I am building slow, but apparently not slow enough to get the most up to date parts to the kit.

We all have days like that. More advanced kits contain more advanced traps.

I had two really crappy days on the -10 this week where a fair amount of pre-work I'd paid for and thought would be beneficial ended up having to be undone and reworked.

Fixed now, but one of those things where you're frustrated because the project seems to move backwards for a couple of days instead of making progress towards the finish line.
In my opinion and it's only my opinion, the Van's harness should only be purchased if you cannot do the wiring on your own. It's a generic harness and those like me that have a plan on what we want to accomplish , the harness makes it more difficult and not as clean an installation. Some of the harnesses were not available to the first lot of builders and I an now thankful for that as once I figured out what they were supplying I realized it would not accomplish what I wanted and at that point I removed quite a bit of what I had installed and made my own harnesses.
If this is a first time for you , then go ahead and install the harness as is, and be happy with what you have as it's probably better than what you would come up with.
Not an early kit but still a problem area

My kit is #329 and even with the ?notches? and even though I tried everything I could think of, I could not get the molex connectors through there. So I cut them off, fished the wires through, and installed d-sub connectors. Still finishing up the wiring, so I don?t know that it all works yet. One of many minor frustrations, but still, overall a fantastic kit.
Yep, its easier to run your own wire. I've pulled 95% of the Vans supplied wiring out and installed new wire. A lot of money down the drain paying for wiring that came with the kit.
Well, I am having SteinAir build the panel and we talked about what I was going to install as far as lighting, pitot w heat, and autopilot. So I assume that the wire harness is fine. Maybe not.

My thought was that I was slow building everything and that I would spend some extra $$ on the avionics and electrical to not have to do all the wiring. Then I would not have to worry about how good of a job I did putting all the molex pins on and if I got all the wires to the right places.

Sure, I can just cut the wires and splice them. I am just a bit annoyed that I would have to after spending the $$ on the professionally built WH. I also wish that they would put on the snap fittings when putting the WH together so they don't have to be cut and stretched around the wire bundle.
Did this a week ago.

Ken, I also purchased my harness from Stein. My harness had heat shrink right next to the mini micro stick connection. I was able to cut the heat shrink of and with a little work fold the wires over to a smaller profile to squeeze them through the holes with the slots. I'll just have to find something to use for strain relief. Hope this helps.
I gave up on routing the plugs through the tortuous path to the sticks and cut them off. Then, I used d-sub pins and sockets covered with heat shrink to install the extension available from Stein. That way, I could still tie into the micro molex plugs already installed in the Tosten grip harness. PITA, but got it done.
Common wire harness

I put the early model in last year the stick wire were to short but the big problem was all the wires were to short at the panel to connect to anything had to make extension for everything
well I have determined a different path. I plan to go through the bulkheads where the main wire harness runs--through the lightning holes. then go back through the bulkhead lighting holes to the stick.

I plan to get the 3/4" hole aluminum fittings and riveting them to the bottom edge of the lightning holes in the ribs, then use snap bushings. Not sure what I will do to hold the wire bundles in place in the bulkhead holes. I was considering using the same aluminum fittings (F14142 fittings shown on 26-04) and riveting them in place.

This also makes running the wires simple.

I have an email into Van's to make sure that it is OK to run the wires this way. I don't see why not at this point. But who knows. If it works, then I have no idea why van's would not change the plans to run the wires this way.

Does this make sense? Thoughts?
IF you order your WH-00125 from Stein Air or other source (not Van's) or plan to build, then you will need the following snap bushings:

SB1250-16 2 each
SB375-4 1 each
SB750-10 28 each
SB625-7 8 each

maybe this should be in the "gotcha" section. I bet Van's includes with their WH, but other suppliers probably won't.
SB750-10 28 each
SB625-7 8 each

maybe this should be in the "gotcha" section. I bet Van's includes with their WH, but other suppliers probably won't.

Closer to 40 each of the SB750-10: look on page 55-03, plus one for ELT antenna cable through F-01406A-L. Also, two extra SB625-7 for extra rudder cable cushion, if you choose to go that route.

Why Van's omits these $6 worth of parts from the fuse kit is one of the big mysteries for today--those shipping charges do add up and enthusiasm does come down while waiting for postman...
Wire harness

Just installed harness this week. I ran mine along the control stick cross tube. Covered with spiral wrap and zip tied to cross tube . No interference Thur the whole control stick movement Getting it thur the snap bushings was impossible.

We bought the Van's harness but returned it and bought the Advanced Flight Systems harness. And yes you will need to feed it though the body of the plane as Van's plans shows and then terminate the ends where needed. Between the tail and fuselage we made the connection without the molex connector.

I think either Stein and AFS would be great and mostly because you can call and get answers directly.

Thanks, Larry