I guess it never hurts to ask.....

After an ~10 year break the urge to get back in the cockpit is high. I built/flew and ultimately sold an RV-9A after a little over 100 hours. That was never the plan while building, but that's what happened for many reasons the biggest was kids coming along. Though the itch never really left, I have successfully been forcing it to the back of my mind. The time has come to start at least easing back into flying. Obviously there is the dream of building a 10 (or Supercub clone or a Searey) but nowhere near willing to commit that sort of financial overlay yet. I have ~250 hours, ~100 RV, 75 tailwheel, would love to get my instrument ticket. Just over 40, married, Mechanical Engineer, build an RV. I write this in wondering if anyone knows of underutilized airplanes around the general Naperville area (Clow, Lewis, Naper Aero, Morris, DuPage, Aurora, Etc) that has an owner that may be willing to allow use? RV, Piper, Cessna, Mooney, whatever. I figure I will ask as I know there are plenty of wonderful airplanes that spend almost all of their time sitting in a hanger virtually unused. Quite willing to pay the insurance difference and a reasonable amount per hour plus gas, etc.... Figured I would drop this out just in case something came up.

There is a nearly finished 10 kit near you that the owner has discounted several times. You may look it up in classifieds and have a look. It could save many $$ in your quest. Good luck, welcome back.
There may be an opportunity for you at Morris, C09. I do know a pilot that has a RV-3 and RV-4. If interested, I may be able to hook the two of you up.