
Active Member
Currently "working" to pay for my RV habit in Western Australia and wanted to extend an invitation to any VAF folks for a tour of the SK-64 Erickson Air-Crane.

I'm On Duty from 9am - 6pm daily at Serpentine Airfield, south of Perth.

We have three pilots and three mechanics working a rotating shift schedule.

Send a PM for specific dates if making a special trip. Otherwise just head over to the Hangar Cafe for a visit. We're around. :)
Hey Rob

You out fighting fires up in the swan valley today? Been seeing a few water bombers go over.

If im down that way I will def swing past, thanks for the invite
You blokes do a great job in our fire season, and a heartfelt thanks to all who fight fires in some really tough conditions.
Wish I was in WA so I could take up your offer, but here in Melbourne.
I'm always in awe of firefighters who go out in atrocious conditions to help.
We had the AirCrane and two other fire-fighting helicopters flying over our house in Mt Helena at tree-top level last Sunday during the Parkerville bushfire. They were drawing water from a large farm dam across the road from our property and dumping it on the fire front. Their circuit time was only around 5 minutes, and the fire came within about 2km of our house. We evacuated for several hours, but luckily a late afternoon wind-shift turned the fire away. Unfortunately, about 54 other houses weren't so lucky. Those pilots and the emergency services ground crews did a fantastic job. Flying heavily loaded helicopters at low level in hot and turbulent conditions, with limited visibility and in close proximity to other aircraft is no joke. I'm a member at Serpentine, and will be down next weekend to say hello. Thanks guys. Without your efforts, many more properties and possibly lives would have been lost.
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Yeah guys, we we've been out on a few flights so far. Good fun. Mornings are best for a visit as the hot afternoon winds tend to get us airborne for a call out.
Went for a job just eight NM north of Perth Int'L today, slightly offset from the ILS inbound traffic. ATC boys where helpful and kept us low while vectoring in arriving heavy jets. Good fun. Stop by to BS and have a coffee. VAF always welcome! ;)
Thanks Rob and Scott (crew chief). Really appreciated the opportunity to have a good look at the Air-Crane and meet the guys who make it all work. Just awesome. Even got 10mins LH seat time (well OK, we were still on the ground, but who's complaining). VAF reaches many corners of the planet. Thanks guys.
Is this the same rotor head that flew on my wing the first day of the Madera FFI clinic several years ago? If so, nice to see you're still clattering about the skies doing good. My hat's off to all chopper pilots who are in combat conditions saving lives and property everyday of the year.

Take care and be safe,


Hans " Cobra" Miesler
Is this the same rotor head that flew on my wing the first day of the Madera FFI clinic several years ago? If so, nice to see you're still clattering about the skies doing good. My hat's off to all chopper pilots who are in combat conditions saving lives and property everyday of the year.

Take care and be safe,


Hans " Cobra" Miesler

Yes Hans! Same "rotor head" :D

Thank you again for taking me under your "wing" (rotory that is) that first day in Madera. Really comforting to get a helping hand and a watchful eye. Sincerely, thank you Cobra.

Have been sticking with the formation also. Would be great to see you again at Madera this year! Hope you can make it. Will have a beer and BS.

And, a hearty "your welcome" for the Crane tour!

Always nice to get a visit from VAF folks. Not only nice way to pass the day while on standby, also fun to share RV stories. :)

We are happy to share it when able.