Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
I just received this e-mail from Cam Benton about the West Texas 100 Air Race he is organizing for Plainview, Texas on April 4, 2009:

Less than two weeks until the race in Plainview. If you plan to enter but don't want or will not use a decal, let me know. (They're tricky to make up.)

The race course is a straight line affair. That will compliment the sightseeing Canyon Run, which is anything but straight. Wally Moyers will be at the fly-in giving helicopter rides in his R44. There will be a lot going on to make this a fun day!

Call me or email if you have any questions... and SPREAD THE WORD.

806-252-5476 (cell)
866-266-0503 (fax)​

The proposed race route is PVW-2T1-LIU-PVW.

I saw Mark Fredrick's post on another thread that said it is something he can't do until he gets through and engine change on his C-45 and the test/development phase of his Continental 550 powered EVO Rocket. I also saw his comment that revealed the feeling he had in the Taylor 100 race a couple of weeks ago. At this point I can't go either because of work I have to do here at home. You can also check,Calender of Events, WT100 for entry and other details. Cam is an upstanding RV-4 pilot and races in the RV Red (320 or less) class. I know he will put on a great event and the comradery is very good.

Bob Axsom