
Well Known Member
Have almost finished my rear skirts on my RV- canopy and have noticed that the weave in the glass I used is showing through the epoxy. Will this result in pinholes? I sanded it down and it is smooth but the pattern is still discernible. Same with the fairing around the base of the windscreen Question #2 As much as I tried to cover the plexi during the epoxy operation there still is a speck or two of epoxy on the glass what is a good product or technique to remove it? I had some success with laquer thinner followed by Lemon Pledge wax to remove the thinner if I found the small specks of epoxy before they hardened but this evening I have discovered a couple spots where it hardened and I would like to remove it. Thanks Jim.
Seeing the weave in fiberglass isn't a bad thing, but if you can feel the weave, it'll transfer through the paint. Personally, I'd give the skirts a coat or two of epoxy before doing any more work on 'em. That should help fill any pinholes and give you a good surface for light sanding or applying micro/epoxy.

I found that I could break small blobs of epoxy loose from plexi or aluminum with a thumbnail. Tough on the thumbnail, but hey, they regrow...
I usually use a 'wet' micro to fill the weave to start, then sand down and fill any pinholes with sandable primer.