
Opulence, I has it...
I've seen where this filler is not recommended for use under "dark paint". Any success stories to the contrary? Any regrets?

I've got a big 'ol can of this stuff now, and want to do my emp tips...but have no ideas on paint scheme yet. I also have some flox, but read that the sanding will be much tougher if I use it. Is it time to order some micro balloons?

West Systems 410

West Systems doesn't recommend the 410 filler for high temp areas or under dark colors. See http://www.westsystem.com/ and click on the product guide.

Whether or not it's an issue in any particular application depends on how hot is hot, how much 410 you've used, etc. etc. If the fiberglass gets hot enough and you've used enough 410 to create the right (wrong?) conditions your $$$ paint job will blister. In other words, you ignore West System's product advice at your own risk...

407 filler is their micro balloon fairing product. Works well under any color and at higher temps.

Other fairing fillers made by other companies are available from Aircraft Spruce/other vendors. Do a search on VAF for fiberglass filler and you'll pull up a number of opinions on these other products.

Good luck,
Thanks Mike.

I agree, there are a couple of good threads on this topic...seems I can recite Darwin's and Dan H. thoughts from memory :)

And, of course, I have hit the West System site as well.

I guess my question needs some clarification. I will not use 410 on the cowl, period. But for tips, legs, skirts, etc. will this stuff work? Another way to ask for what I'm looking for: What is considered "dark paint"? Obviously black or navy blue. What about a lighter blue, maroon or red? Grey or silver? Anything not white? That's why I was wondering if anybody had some real world results.

Another thing I noticed...most of the usual builder sites I hit for "research" have a definite white/off white-ish color filler. The 410 is tan colored. 407 is supposedly red/brown. So who is actually using 410?

West Systems 410

I've been messing around with composites a long time (since 1965, mostly with boats, dune buggies, etc.). I've had bad results using West Systems 410 under black, navy, and red. It works fine under white and light blue. I haven't tried it under other colors.

For most epoxy work I fill with microballoons if a deep fill is required, or with straight epoxy if a shallow fill is needed (pinholes)...my finishing technique is almost identical to Dan H's technique in terms of primer, etc.
