
Steve Payne as lead, Sean Farrell #2, Tommy Ishii #3, Dan Benua #4. George Ford #5 and Stephen Christopher #6.

A great time flying the Tacoma Airshows with performances over the water on Saturday and another over the Airport KTIW on Sunday.
Enjoy. Cipher.
nice and tight

I wish the FAA allowed the group closer to the show line and lower.
I once worked in a B17-G model. We got asked to help out with an airshow in Oregon.
The FEDS kept us at 1000 agl for the passes. Ironic, since our daily job involved flying over farms at 75 feet early in the morning.
The logic of guys with shiny badges.... go figure.
Great flying. Awesome camera footage Shifty or Mr. Showtime! Cipher, you did a great job as always on the final production video. You can be my wingman anytime!

first flight completed RV-7A