
Well Known Member
Last year on a weekend in September, the West Coast Ravens flew a large formation demonstration consisting of sixteen RV?s at Mather AFB. This was the Capitol Air Show which included many well known performers including the Thunderbirds. I had the opportunity to participate and video from the slot position while flying in the flight led by Spike. Tank was the overall flight lead and he choreographed an exciting show for thousands of spectators present. I don?t remember who my wingmen were since I recently edited this video but they performed very well and I?m certain they will recognize their ride. Since the Capitol Air Show did not include the Ravens this year I thought it was time for an encore.


I was hoping you guys would be flying this year so I could watch live - I was invited to bring Tsam over for static display - will be there Saturday (weather across the Sierra permitting of course).

Word was the organizers wanted to rotate acts year to year, and not have the same acts in consecutive years. Ravens hope to be back there next year!

That is Goose on your left wing and Shadey on your right. I flew A2 off Tank's wing.
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Great video Hans! IIRC the entire lineup went something like this:

1. Tank - Tim Redden
2. AC - Axel Alvarez
3. Sunblock - Dan Hall
4. Condor - Gary Sobek

1. Shifty - Steve Payne
2. Nordo - Dan West
3. Rosie - Paul Rosales
4. Zen - Bill Glasser

1. Turbo - Tommy Ishii
2. Tailwind - Brad Ransom
3. Deuce - Randy McFarland
4. Brick - John Brick

1. Spike - Scott Randolph
2. Goose - Shawn Farrell
3. Shadey - Joe Blank
4. Cobra - Hans Miesler

All in all this was a superbly organized flight and show...
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quote: Last edited by Joe Blank : Today at 08:37 AM. Reason: 'G' rated Axels call sign.... sigh...

ba ha ha! Next time use "$$" vice "ss".