Well Known Member
*****carded folks, please fill out your application as soon as possible, so we can determine clinic size.*****

I?m pleased to announce this year?s West Coast Formation Clinic, WCFC 2019.

Like every year we are expecting that we will receive more applicants than we can safely support. The management team will evaluate applications and contact participants as soon as possible after the application period closes. Deadline for applications is Feb 28th. Please remember that the management team does this for fun and to help the RV-community be safer when performing formation flying. This is NOT our job; please give us time to figure out this complex event. There is a lot that goes into making this a safe event.

To apply and/or for additional details, visit the WCFC 2019 website shown below.

Date: May 3-5
Location: Madera, CA (KMAE)
Website: WCFC 2019

If you have any questions, please contact me or any of the POCs shown on our web site. Hope to see you there. Thank you,

Axel and the West Coast Formation Clinic Management Team
Formation Flying Wanted!

Wow, I'm glad I came across this post for the West Coast Clinic. I have submitted my application and have printed out the study material listed on the WCFC website.
I have been looking for RV Pilots who would be interested in doing some SAFE non aerobatic formation flying. I fly out of the San Francisco Bay Area, my home base being KCCR. If there is a person or people who are interested in formation flying, let me know and we'll get together! Please note that I am by no means a "Lead", however, I have previous formation flying experience on an informal level in my C150. I flew with other airplanes of the same performance level. It was very enjoyable.

That's it for now!
See you there!

There is a group of us out of Seattle that fly together who are planning to make the trek down. If this snow melts by then.
Application sent! I have been looking for this info every couple of weeks for a while. You might want to cross post this to the "Formation Flying" section of the forum as well.
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Will there be confirmations sent out? I applied two weeks ago, but wasn't sure if I should wait to get confirmation before I book my hotel room??
Will there be confirmations sent out? I applied two weeks ago, but wasn't sure if I should wait to get confirmation before I book my hotel room??

The application is just that. The management team will go through the applications when able an put the list out.

Every year is the same, more applications than slots available. I would not book a room until you are contacted.

We limit the size to about 70 pilots. That is a lot of people.

Are you flying with someone FFI qualified now?
I'm a bit beyond that, but it's surely "must sand fiberglass, repeat 10x" Looking forward to joining you all soon-ish!

Fiberglass does not need to be finish in order to fly. I have been flying like that since 2015 😧
We may be able to help you with the class portion but one of the limiting issues is ramp space. 70 airplanes on the ramp plus local folks and the ramp is maxed out.

I will meet with the team and see what we can do. Thank you.
The application is just that. The management team will go through the applications when able an put the list out.

Every year is the same, more applications than slots available. I would not book a room until you are contacted.

We limit the size to about 70 pilots. That is a lot of people.

Are you flying with someone FFI qualified now?

I met with Bill Cary and the guys down in Ramona twice about two years ago and got a ride but never got any formal training. I read the FFI manual and was getting ready to start training and flying with them, but got busy with aerobatics instead so never found the time.

I'll wait for confirmation before booking hotel. Thanks.
Application closed yesterday. End of the month. We ended up with about 75 folks. Will start making cuts based on the staff available.
Formation Flying Study And Practice Group Northern CA

I've downloaded the FFI Formation Standards and Proficiency program. It includes the various types of signals used to communicate during flying as the radio is not used between the pilots during formation flying. I'm reaching out to see if there are other interested pilots who would like to meet and go over the hand signals, a study group and see where that leads us. Who knows, maybe a carded pilot will join us.
Safety is foremost and ground rules will be set before any actual flying will be done. Again perhaps a carded pilot help out.
Anywhere in Northern CA is good with me.

Along the same lines, I'll be working with the "Bonanzas To KOSH" group on the 16th and 17th of this month at McClellan. They are putting a formation clinic of their own which will include a ground school, morning briefing, formation flying and de-briefing after each flight. Saturday night there will be a dinner for everybody. Sounds like fun! I'm grateful to this organization for putting this together!

Blue Skies!
Great event! For anyone on the fence about going, do it. The team does a great job, and it was more fun than I can explain here. Thanks to The crew who did an amazing job.
FFI Formation Clinic At Madera, CA

The Vans RV formation clinic at Madera was a great success. I was accompanied on a number of 2 ship and 4 ship flights with a safety pilot. One of the safety pilots happen to be a DPE! It seems to me that it does not get much safer than having a designated FAA examiner on board!
It was a great experience being able to fly with some of the top formation pilots in the state of California and perhaps the western United States.
A 30 ship formation flight ended the flying formally on Sunday.
I am grateful to all the veterans who participated in this event to make it safe for everybody involved.
As for my progress in STUBBS? I am able to do the entire IAC primary sequence without getting nauseated. I have been conditioning myself to know what 2 G?s, and 3 G?s feels like.
I have ordered the 4 1/2 gallon smoke system from Marvin and will be installing that in the summer.
I am currently accompanying my wife on a trip to various parts of Asia. While I enjoy traveling with my wife I am chomping at the bit to get back at flying aerobatics and formation!

Blue Skies!
I saw some pictures and videos from some friends who went. Looked like an absolute blast. I nearly went and pulled my vernier throttle on the spot!