Well Known Member
*****carded folks, please fill out your application as soon as possible, so we can determine clinic size.*****

I?m pleased to announce this year?s West Coast Formation Clinic, WCFC 2018.

Like every year we are expecting that we will receive more applicants than we can safely support. The management team will evaluate applications and contact participants as soon as possible after the application period closes. Deadline for applications is Feb 28th Please remember that the management team does this for fun and to help the RV-community be safer when performing formation flying. This is NOT our job; please give us time to figure out this complex event. There is a lot that goes into making this a safe event.

To apply and/or for additional details, visit the WCFC 2018 website shown below.

Date: Apr 20-22 of 2018
Location: Madera, CA (KMAE)

If you have any questions, please contact me or any of the POCs shown on our web site. Hope to see you there. Thank you,

Axel and the West Coast Formation Clinic Management Team


I love the dates

You know what this means.....I get to fly Madera, and skate at my yearly hockey tourney in FL the following week. Nothing better than formation and hockey, just sayin'.
2 weeks out from our deadline. We have 55 people thus far signed up. If you have not submitted your application, you may want to do so.
just some status. We received almost 80 applications. We are in the process of figuring out ratios of carded folks to red scary/newbies/etc. Hope to have a final list within a week. Carded folks can look at the list now on our web page.
Thank you!

Hi guys and gals,

We wanted to say thank you to everyone in Madera this weekend!

We don't even have a tail of an airplane yet, but everyone made us feel welcome and involved. We had so much fun meeting everyone and riding along.

Top notch organization and professionalism all weekend.

We drove right home to the hangar and dimpled skins all evening.

Can't wait to participate!

Thanks again,
Brett & Julia