
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
5.4 hrs total. Approach a non-event. Scorch and I are in HBC down by the cell towers at the back corner.

No WiFI here in HBC that I can find but I'm 200' from the cell tower. Glad I have this card thingy.

OK, lets get the tent and junk set up.

Signing off for a few.

RE: Favor


Between food/sleep/great conversations/looking at all the new stuff/watching planes fly/looking at planes on the ground/ food/walking around/avoid the heat/food/avoiding rain/food/ avoiding lightening/ just having a great time would you please check out my 200RV prop that the Whirlwind folks (Greg) will have on display at their booth. It is Santa Fe Red/Ivory/Black. Pix/info would be great :D Again that is if you have the TIME between all of the aforementioned.............PLUS.

Thanks In Advance

Frank @ SGU RV7A Panel all wired (except Dynon HS34) will go in the plane while all you lucky guys are at OSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Missing OSH!

This is my first post after a year or so of lurking. Love the site. It's a regular stop every day.

I moved to California two years ago from Indiana. After going to OSH almost every year for about seven years, I'm really missing it!

Glad to hear you arrived safely. Enjoy it for the rest of us. Can't wait to see your posts.
Hey Bob-

Where's the RV journal? Can't seem to find the link and it is mentioned in one of the captions.
Look forward to meeting you this week.

Great Photos - THANKS

Has anyone visited American Avionics? I'm told they have two booths and are great people to work with. Can't make it this year..... :(
Great Photos Bob

Bob, I love all the RV plane photos. I remember last year at this time I vowed to go to Oshkosh next year. Well I am a lot closer to flying but I swear I will go in 2008. Now if I can only get this crazy paint gun to work.

At work with red paint under my fingernails.

Lafayette, La.
Great Job Doug


Enjoying your daily log and great pictures. Your bringing a little Oshkosh via Satellite to the middle of the Gulf of Mexico :)