
Saw a 6A today with some wheel pants that had an sketchy looking modification so the tow bar worked better. Attaching a picture of it. Also the elevator has some slight cracks with a stop drill. Question to both is how serious is it? How much would it cost to replace the elevator and the wheel pants? Also has a panel picture in the below album.

It's listed for $67,500, which does seem on the high side for a 6A.

It did fly great.
Seems ok to me

Wheel pant mod could have been a bit neater, but no issue other than mildly bad appearance. I'd have to see cracks to really judge, but stop drilling a minor crack is SOP. Isn't that a Garmin 430 in the panel? With that panel, I wouldn't call it overpriced
Seems fair to me

Depending on the hours on it, the price seems pretty good. Autopilot, IFR. A pre buy inspection is a very good idea. From the little info you provided, it looks like a nice plane for the price.
Blue knob indicates Constant Speed. Which engine? Injected or Carb?

As mentioned, price doesn't seem out of line.
I have flown in that plane before.

I know that plane. It's at my home field, Camarillo.Very nice flying 6A with a nice panel (430W). Well built plane. That would be a very easy fiberglass fix.Owner is an older pilot who flew it often and took very good care of it. I have no dog in the fight, but if I were in the market for a nice 6, I would have bought it for that price.
With that panel, the price isn't outrageous. I would want to know what engine, what prop, how much time and who did the last overhaul (or was it new). I also would just monitor the elevator crack and do a quick fiberglass patch on the nose pant and Redrick the hole a little cleaner.

That auto pilot, while not very advanced, is very nice. The Altrak VS is a nice unit, as is the Stec.
Thanks for all the info!

Also, I noticed too that fuel came out of the fuselage when it was parked, I assume because the tanks were fuel and venting?

And in this pic it has safety wire under the cowling which I haven't noticed before:
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Thanks for all the info!

Also, I noticed too that fuel came out of the fuselage when it was parked, I assume because the tanks were fuel and venting?

And in this pic it has safety wire under the cowling which I haven't noticed before:

If the tanks are full to the bring, they might vent a small amount out.
That safety wire there is odd. This is where the hinge pin goes that holds the upper and lower cowling halves. It is probably nothing given the review that someone who knows the airplane chimed in on.
Thanks for all the info!

Also, I noticed too that fuel came out of the fuselage when it was parked, I assume because the tanks were fuel and venting?

And in this pic it has safety wire under the cowling which I haven't noticed before:

If the fuel came from the fuel vents, that is normal when filled high. If it came from somewhere else, that is a big problem. The horizontal cowl joint uses a hinge with removable pin. If you don't secure the pin, it can work it's way out and get hit by the prop. I have never seen safety wire used, but I am guessing that is what it is for in this case. You'd want to develop an easier to work with method of securing if you buy.
