
Active Member
SO we have orders the tool kits, gathered information a few practice kits and talked to some people that have built airplanes and Rv's

Now we just have to clean out the garage.

Nick, welcome to the party! You and your Dad should have a real bonding experience during your build. Enjoy the process--and if you hit a snag, there is plenty of great info here as well as some very knowledgeable builders on this board. Again, congratulations on making the leap--it will be fun and very rewarding!

Emp done
Waiting on QB kit
Dang, I should have thought of that.

Build an airplane, to trick my son into cleaning the garage.

Way to go Dad. let's see the before and after pics of the garage.:D
Hi Nick,

If your dad is named Greg, it was fun giving you a ride. Have fun building. If you need local questions answered at any time call or IM me.
My Dad and I survived our RV-8 build and had a great time along the way. Aviation is one thing that we see eye to eye on and we made a great team. My Dad has an unlimited supply of patience and was great at doing the tasks that required them. I was a good project manager and kept things moving along. I have told my Dad that the greatest "RV dividend" was the fact that the project forced us to be together for almost 10 years when without the project, the disruptions of normal life would have kept us apart. Sadly, I have sold my bird and I find that we are not spending time together again...perhaps it will soon be time to start a bird in the light sport category...
Me too..

.........perhaps it will soon be time to start a bird in the light sport category...

Don, I believe it's fair to say that most of us, if not all of us, will some day ONLY be able to fly the LSA category. For that reason, I've started looking seriously at the -12.
