
Hi all,

looking for some info on how to install a Weldon 8163-A high pressure fuel pump.
It will be used as a boost pump feeding a Lycoming IO360 at 14V.
Now here are three questions as I do not have any documentation for the pump and Weldon has not responded to my emails yet...

1. Is there any preferred orientation of the pump and its motor?

2. What - if any - filtration is needed? (Precision likes to have the filter between the boost pump and the mechanical pump when installing the RSA system.)

3. There are four plug holes around the perimeter of the pump. Is one left open for any fuel overflow?

Tobias Hamacher

For future reference...Weldon has finally answered my questions:

Q1. Is there any preferred orientation of the pump and its motor?
A1. No. The pump can be mounted in the direction you require. It is recommended but not required that the pump be installed with the motor at least slightly higher than the pump head.

Q2. What - if any - filtration is needed? (Precision likes to have the filter between the boost pump and the mechanical pump when installing the RSA system.)
A2. An upstream Filter is recommended. :rolleyes:

Q3. There are four plug holes around the perimeter of the pump. Is one left open for any fuel overflow?
A3. These are overboard drain ports. Upon installation, only one of the holes will be equipped with an overboard drain while the other three remain plugged. The pump does not leak normally. It is in case of a seal leak.
