
Last week the tread on the boarding step broke off - crack through the heat affected zone. I have arranged for an aircraft welder to repair the step in situ.
Any issues welding on a completed aircraft? I will disconnect the battery leads and remove the radios & efis displays . Can any electrical components be damaged by welding?

John Moody
RV-8A Turbo Subaru
Damage I don't know about, but it is well known that there could be changes to the magnetic field of the plane. Just do a check of the compass after it is all done, might be a good idea.
John, if he attaches his ground on the upper part of the step, that'll be the only localized current flow, not through the whole plane.

Don't ground where current will flow through the airframe.

I agree with Pierre. Ground on the same part that you are welding. If the compass is affected you can degauss the part while still on the plane.
Don't do what my Dad did!

Newly covered PA-12 Piper Super Cruiser (my first flying lesson, circa 1953) -- a little weld repair on the landing gear, plus small fuel leak or oil, ----- took less than five minutes to consume entire airplane ----- sold what was left (engine core) to airboat guy for $5.00 just to get him to haul it away.
