Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
Welcome to the Flight Test forum - the place to discuss any issues with respect to ground or flight testing of RVs.

If you are looking for sources of information on flight testing, I have assembled a collection of links. It has links to many basic references, flight test plans that other builders have used, info on pitot-static system calibrations, determining TAS from GPS data, etc, etc.

Kevin Horton's Flight Test Links

FAA AC 90-89A, Amateur-Built Aircraft and Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook has a wealth of good info, and should be read by everyone before the test planning starts.
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Great Kevin

I have been following your websiite, and we are in very similar stages on the 8s.

I hope I get real close to needing this info soon.
I'm building an RV-8 also. I was perusing your site the other day when I found your POH. I downloaded it, and then I noticed that you had increased the max T/O wt. to 1900 from 1800. I pondered this and wondered if maybe the MOT would have something to say about it. Obviously you have though this through so I wondered if you could elucidate on this point a little for the unwashed.

Thanks, Pete
Reply moved to Canada forum


You asked a very interesting question, but it doesn't come at all close to fitting in the Flight Test forum. So, I started a new thread with my reply in the Canada forum.
Hi Kevin,

A great idea for a forum...thanks for starting it!

Dave Setser
FTE, Boston ACO
RV-7 Builder