Well Known Member
When first doing the Condition Inspection on our One Design, I used the Annual Inspection Guide from a local FBO as guide to create an inspection sheet with items added or deleted as pertaining to the One Design.
When it was apparent that this would not quite fit all the needs for the 9A, I used it as a guide to create a new one for the 9A.
In it's present form, it should work for any RV, and there are extra spaces to add inspection points.
The FAA appeared impressed with it when I went for my Repairman's Certificate.
It's 3 pages long. I'm just finishing up the Condition Inspection on our 9 now, and everything seems covered.
E mail me at [email protected], and I'll be happy to send you a copy
When first doing the Condition Inspection on our One Design, I used the Annual Inspection Guide from a local FBO as guide to create an inspection sheet with items added or deleted as pertaining to the One Design.
When it was apparent that this would not quite fit all the needs for the 9A, I used it as a guide to create a new one for the 9A.
In it's present form, it should work for any RV, and there are extra spaces to add inspection points.
The FAA appeared impressed with it when I went for my Repairman's Certificate.
It's 3 pages long. I'm just finishing up the Condition Inspection on our 9 now, and everything seems covered.
E mail me at [email protected], and I'll be happy to send you a copy


How 'bout putting a link to your guide on this forum so all interested could download it directly?

If you wish to do this and need assistance let me know.
Sam, good idea.

Wonder if we could end up with a list for each model------would be nice:)
Firstly, I'd like to thank Sam for taking the time to post the List on the Forum
Mike, to answer your request, since I did the Check List in Words, you can edit it to suit your own individual model and specific needs, then save it on your own computer
Firstly, I'd like to thank Sam for taking the time to post the List on the Forum

Me too.

Thanks Sam.
Mike, to answer your request, since I did the Check List in Words, you can edit it to suit your own individual model and specific needs, then save it on your own computer

That is a good thing, and is appreciated.

On the other hand, looking at somebody elses list may light up that little bulb inside your head, with a "wow, that is a good idea, I never thought of that"
Really very similar to mine, and others that I've seen on here, great job. I put mine in Excel, and used Brian's, a couple other RVers, and my old FBO's Annual list as guides. Mine does include generalized, non-rv stuff (I do condition and annuals on other types too ;) ). Once I get mine perfected and tested for another couple annuals, I'll put it up.

Why not put them up on the home page with the POH's?

BTW, here is the one I modified for the RV-9 from the "standard" one that has been floating around for a while:

I've updated it but this is a great starting point for RV's.