
Well Known Member
So..my plane isn't even flying yet but I am already thinking of ways to trim some weight soon after. I think I have about the heaviest possible options (7A slider, IO-390+ new style mount/nose gear). Add to that full interior and carpet, paint, etc. and she's going to be portly. Add to that Super Tracks (still worth it) and a few other options. The only "light" thing I did was a composite Hartz prop. I am sure I'll be pushing 1200lbs with my current config.

Luckily I am only 170-175 and my girlfriend is in the 120-125 range so we'll be good and I'll be good solo, but would like to be able to take my father or friends along and still have room for a little baggage with full or almost full fuel.

I am already looking at the Earth-X (12lbs?) but how much can be saved with a lightweight starter and alternator?. I know I can yank carpet and interior stuff if I really wanted down the road, but just curious what else I could look at.

Thanks in advance-
Those and other options can save you some weight. Take any weight savings options that are in the plans and be very careful about things like paint, tires, tubes, wheels (think Beringer, for example), avionics, etc.

Thanks David!

I am waiting on my prop cable then she's ready for inspection and already painted so I am somewhat limited in that area. Panel is done, minus one radio that will take her the wrong way by another 7-8lbs

I think I am going to be down to batt, starter, alernator and maybe lose a few of my fancy interior bits if I really want to lose some weight, but I'll take all the ideas I can get.

Anyone know how much weigh can be found in a lighter starter and Alt?

Thanks again-
Thanks David!

I am waiting on my prop cable then she's ready for inspection and already painted so I am somewhat limited in that area. Panel is done, minus one radio that will take her the wrong way by another 7-8lbs

I think I am going to be down to batt, starter, alernator and maybe lose a few of my fancy interior bits if I really want to lose some weight, but I'll take all the ideas I can get.

Anyone know how much weigh can be found in a lighter starter and Alt?

Thanks again-

It really depends what starter and alternator you now have..... you may already be there.
I just removed an old Prestolite starter from my Glasair. It was 18 pounds! I plan to replace it with the new Sky-Tec starter at 6.5 pounds. I'm also planning to replace the old Motorola alternator with a B&C 40 amp alternator. I haven't figured out how much weight savings I'll see there.

If I can figure out how to git 'er done, I'd consider replacing the old fashioned Hartzel 2-bladed prop with a 3-bladed Whirlwind. That'd probably save another 20+ pounds. I think I'll also save in the neighborhood of 20-30 pounds by replacing my vacuum system and all the steam gauges with the new G3x system and radios.

If I'm not careful, I may end up lighter than air! I may also end up needing to move the big 25ah battery from behind the baggage compartment to a PC680 mounted on the firewall. That'd be another few pounds of weight savings.

The problem I see with your situation is that you've already addressed most of these areas with your modern build. The good news is that the "fluffy" RVs still fly pretty darned good! I'm the owner of a chubby RV-3. Once I learn all my lessons installing the new gizmos in the Glasair, I'll tackle the same retrofit on the RV-3. I can't wait!
Delete the cosmetic interior

Sell the "full interior" on this forum and just go with the CA or Sierra seats and stick boots from classic aero.
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The EarthX 680 will save 14lbs over the Odyssey battery. Lightweight starter plus alternator could be another 8. With modern lights and avionics a 40 Amp alternator should be fine.
Thanks all-

Out of town, but I am going to verify my starter,but think it is a Sky-Tec already and running the standard Vans (Plane Power) Alt.

I will definitely do the battery and possibly 40Amp Alt. If/When I go Earth X I believe I'll need to go with something externally regulated.

As to the interior. I may weigh it without it all, and remove it when I need the extra weight savings (acro). I'll be good for XC stuff

If the F-35 is "Fat Amy" I think I have a relative

**** that 390 and new style gear!
Hey Ralph-

Yes, sample was not too far under 1200 with a few things to still install. She's a bit pudgy, great to look at and shouldn't be an issue outside of 2 up acro.

I am going to reweigh with minimum interior and see how she looks.

The nose wheel, tire, gearleg weighs >22lbs...


Haha..I know, I know and the new style is probably closer to 30lbs!

Guessing my 390 vs a non angle valve is at least another 30lbs too.

Oh well, I am 6'4" and 175 on a bad day and my girlfriend is 5'8" and never more than 125 so we'll be able to fill the tanks and still take good amount of baggage.