
Active Member
Can anyone give me the weight difference between the O-320 and the O-360??
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Here's a page with all kinds of info for ya! There are LOTS of different 320's and 360's, but generally it seems the weight difference is about 10lbs.

Engine info
O-320 HP

I am about to fly my RV-6 with an angle valve O-320 that should produce around 180 horsepower. The cylinders are from a GO-480. It also has E-mag/P-mag and Vetterman crossover exhaust. Weather and my schedule should be good later this week to get the firrst flight in. The Catto 3 blade was pitched to assume 170 HP, but I expect a little more. There was an STC for this mod with 4 levels; cylinders only, cylinders and rods, crank too, and I forget the other level. Carb horsepower was supposed to be 178 and fuel injected was 182 I think. These cylinders are probably quite a bit heavier, but my empty weight was still only 1015 (painted, with wheel pants, but no gear leg or intersection fairings).
Ron Voss
RV-6 N642R Finally Finished!