
Well Known Member
I apologize if this is out there somewhere and I just can't find it. I'm looking for some information on the weight & balance on the RV-10. The gross and expected empty weights are in the specs, but I'm wondering about specifics such as how big can the rear seat passengers be?. Can you really get 4 normal sized adults and some baggage and stay within the CG range? I've found spreadsheets for some of the other RV models, but not the 10.

I have one for you

Send me a private e-mail address below and Ill send you a spreadsheet of a local flying rv-10's w&b for your review.
[email protected]
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Hi Ken. I'll send you mine, but I just sent it to Kahuna, and so I think he is sending it to you. Yes, I have put 4 full size adults in it, and flown 7.5 hours in one day. The airplane flew wonderfully, and there weren't any complaints on the comfort factor.

Thanks Dan. I had forgotten that was on your website. There's just so much good stuff there it's hard to remember sometimes. I think the spreadsheet from Kahuna/Vic will be just what the doctor ordered.