Rich Pulman

Well Known Member
My RV3 came to me without any W&B info. After doing a bit of work on it, I?d like to get one done. I?ve asked Van?s for details, but so far haven?t heard back from them. There?s nothing I can find on their website for the 3. Does anyone here have suggestions/information on where to begin? Thanks.
What do you need to know? Here's data from my old -3, S/N 495:

Datum: Main Landing Gear
Forward limit: 8.72
Aft limit: 13.58
Leading edge of wing = 1inch fwd of MLG
Leveling means: Top of longeron at cockpit
Gross Weight should be on your data plate. Mine was listed at 1175.

Hope that helps.

Thanks guys. That?s helpful information. I?m basically looking for the datum points and how to measure them. If I sound stupid, it?s because I am! But I?m learning. :)
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Just offering...I have 2 sets of preview plans, I will give you a set if you pay the shipping.
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Your W&B info should be in your Ops Limits. You do carry those with you don't you?

Actually, the W&B is not PART of the ops Lims, and while they both should be in the airplane, they can easily become separated. Just want to make sure that we dont spread bad info.....
Good point, Paul. My Ops Limits show the W&B for the conditions used to find Vso, Vx and Vy.