Tom Martin

Well Known Member
I did the weight and balance on the RV14 today. Dead calm air allowed me to do the job outside which is very nice. The aircraft came in at 1227 lbs which is 13 lbs less then the factory specs. Final paint will add a few pounds but we are in the right ball park. I really like to fly the plane for a year or so to get all the bugs out of it before final paint. This allows you to make changes without the worry of ruining an expensive paint job.
It is great to get to this stage, the building is done! Now on to paperwork, final inspection and a few hundred screws to install!

You mind sharing your c.g.? Also any mods to the plans for weight reduction or c.g. changes?

No real mods for weight reduction, other then light interior paint, no side panels, carpet etc.

The C of G worked out as Van's suggested, and with a gross weight of 2050 you can have 250 pilot, a 159 pound passenger and 100 pounds of gear with full oil and full fuel (300 lbs) and be within aft C of G limit. As you burn fuel to a minimum of 30 pounds, this shifts the c of g further back to close to, but within, aft limits.

Forward C of G is limited to a minimum 75 pound pilot, no baggage and low fuel.

I feel this means a success in the load department and should make it a very versatile aircraft.
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Right you are! I played with the spreadsheet to get the exact minimum pilot weight for a maximum fuel weight of 300 lbs. As you burn fuel the c of g goes aft

with full fuel you would need a pilot with a minimum weight of 69 pounds to be at the exact forward limit.