Try this

Some much smarter than me posted this in one of the threads it seems to work well.


Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Eastern Shore of Virginia
Posts: 1,436
iPhone app
For iPhone users (and probably Android), I wrote a web app -

If you bookmark it to you smatphone's home screen, it caches itself and no longer requires a data connection. It also remembers the values from your last calculation so once you enter you fixed values, they "stick". I wanted something so convenient, I'd use it for every trip and every passenger.
- Glen, ESVA
RV-8 150hp FP VFR | Track my RV-8
Wt & Bal app

WnB Pro is a super wt & bal app for all GA. Easy to set up, sliders to change wt, graphical and digital results. From iTunes. J