
Well Known Member
I am putting together a portion of my website for weight and balance calculations. I have got together the weight and balance data for a generic RV-8 and I need data for the rest of the RV range, both nose and tailwheel models. Ideally I want to use the reference data recommended by Vans for Datum, Maximum Gross Weight and Forward and Aft C of G Limits. The idea is to store generic and real data in a database that will be accessible by a log in and password to the owner/pilots over the Internet in a GUI (Graphical User Interface) form. The GUI will take the form of a plan view of the aircraft with input boxes for pilot/pax weight baggage weight and fuel (Useful Load) at the various stations that this weight is measured. As a follow on development, in collaboration with my son, I plan to develop a Java application that could be used on mobile phones like the Blackberry, that will compute Weight and Balance either in GUI form like above or in tabular form like a spreadsheet. The method of presentation depends on the screen real estate available on the mobile phone. Further down the road, the application will be ported to the iPhone once I have bought the development tools from Apple.

So I would be grateful if you could send me your Weight and Balance data either by email, by PM or by posting a reply. Access to the website will be free to VAF members and RV owners.

I would also be grateful for comments and suggestions in this thread.
Good idea... I put together a .xls spreadsheet for the Hiperbipe forum. Wish I had some info for you, but I'm seeking the source of pertinant data for the -8 myself. A buddy just bought one and we're going to weigh the thing soon. I'm guessing Van provides some kind of worksheet, but I don't seem to have it in the paperwork for the airplane. Can you point me in the right direction?

Thanks much!
Some Progress

Here is a picture of the visuals for an RV-3B that will be part of a Java applet available on my web site that will calculate weight and balance:


I will construct a plan view of the aircraft to see if this is better.

The idea is that data will be stored in a database and using a log in and password, weight and balance can be check easily on line. I will also add a fuel used per hour box and planned flight time box so that landing weight and balance can also be seen.