Guy Prevost

Well Known Member

The wife and I are planning on visiting family in the Dallas area this weekend. Our plan is to arrive Saturday AM and depart Sunday afternoon or Monday morning depending on the weather. I called the FBO and didn't get a warm fuzzy about hangar space for the weekend. Any RVers with a little space?

I could tie it down outside, but it's a brand new airplane.....

Can't tell you about HQZ - I don't go there since the airport management and FBO have been actively hostile to the Sport Pilot concept in the past. Perhaps their tone has softened, but I haven't heard it.

I have found Lancaster to have decent services and Redbird (RBD) has several excellent FBOs, although it's a ways away from HQZ. Rockwall (F46) probably doesn't have any hangar space, although covered tiedowns are probably available. Addison (ADS) is expensive, but there is plenty of hangar space.