
Well Known Member
Got a chance to practice with Falcon Flight at Macho Grande this weekend. What a great time! My wife "Chick" was with me and had our Casio EX-750 camera that had a video function on it so she recorded the airshow routine from the glareshield in my plane. It came out pretty good for a little compact camera so I thought I would share. It is about 15MB so you need broadband to view with any speed, but it streams immediately so you don't have to download. The quality suffers from the upload to YouTube, but it is still OK.

Falcon Flight Veterans Day 2006

This link has much better resolution, it is in my Yahoo briefcase. Yahoo version Click on "Public" folder, then "Falcon Flight Veterans Day 2006".
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Rooster, get that thing out of the briefcase and on to you tube. The d/l from there is god aweful.

Smoke Oil


Good job. Now you have to get the smoke oil off the windscreen. I guess that would be a good problem to have.

Nice Video

Bruce Pauley
Rowlett TX
STB #7 ??
hecilopter said:
Got a chance to practice with Falcon Flight at Macho Grande this weekend. What a great time! My wife "Chick" was with me and had our Casio EX-750 camera that had a video function on it so she recorded the airshow routine from the glareshield in my plane. It came out pretty good for a little compact camera so I thought I would share. It is about 15MB so you need broadband to view with any speed, but it streams immediately so you don't have to download. The quality suffers from the upload to YouTube, but it is still OK.

Falcon Flight Veterans Day 2006

Can you email the file to [email protected] so I can add it to my RV video collection? The quality on YouTube made me want to hurl.