
Well Known Member
I have this app for about a month and love it. I fly a lot and to plan a couple days VFR route around the weather is a challenge. You have to look over a lot of weather sources which takes time. The Weekend Flyer app is very easy to use. Drop your route or zoom on an area of interest, download 24h or 3 days, swipe the ruler at the bottom and make your decision. Thanks Tom for a great resource!


I'd be lying if I said I didn't think of you the first time I heard of this app.

I was talking about this app to a retired SWA, current RV pilot a couple weeks ago. While I was describing it he didn't seem overly impressed. Then I showed him the app. "Send me the link for downloading that" were his exact words.

I use it too on my iPhone/iPad and concur with your observations.

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App appears to be Apple only. Is there an Android version? Couldn't find it on the "Play Store".
Foreflight is as simple as can be for tfrs. Also 100LL etc.

Thanks for the link, will give this a try, looks kind of cool.
Questions answered

Hi, this is Tom Court, creator of Weekend Flyer. Vlad, thanks for the nice review.

I thought I'd try and answer some of the questions posed.

Is there an Android version available? Not currently and not planned at this time. An Android version would require a very significant development effort (probably at least half again what it took to develop the iPhone/iPad version) and for the time being I'm completely focused on making Weekend Flyer even better.

Does it show TFRs? No. I didn't intend Weekend Flyer to replace Foreflight (or other electronic flight bag) apps. Most of these apps already do a great job of showing you TFRs along with current weather before you take off. It was the lack of detailed weather forecast more than a few hours out for pilots that inspired me to create Weekend Flyer. I wanted to be able to fly somewhere Friday night and determine with some level of confidence I could return Sunday afternoon. BTW, another online aviation weather and TFR website is AvnWx.com