Richard Connell

Well Known Member
Bit of down under RVing...

That is an awesome shot Richard. Looks like it was a great week for flying on the east coast of Australia.

Here is what I was doing south of Brisbane Took a 16 year old kid on his first RV ride, there was a little bit of RV grin.



I agree Mark, that was a great shot.

The Spit has Douglas Bader markings, I must have seen that Spitfire before but hadn't noticed the markings.
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Hi Richard, is that the victor1 ?

That is one of those things I have always wanted to do next time im down in the " blues" territory.

So how much did you really want to fly under the bridge.....:rolleyes:
Not a bad photo for a phone. I really should take a real camera one day....

Jamie, it isn't Victor1. Though I did descend into V1 afterwards. There are 2 scenic routes inside the Sydney Class C. Harbour Scenic 1 and 2. Check out ERSA for YSSY. There is also a Sydney Visual Flying guide which pictorially shows the procedures as well. Ive generally found the controllers very accommodating. If they can possibly get you in, they will. That said, I reckon you only get a clearance 50% of the time as the city and bridge are very close to the extended centreline for 16L at YSSY.

Well worth doing if you are down this way! Although I suspect you'd have an F/A 18 escort if you tried under the bridge!

Im really a mexican (AFL) so only loosely follow that game with the funny shaped ball. I hear you guys got lucky cause you paid off both refs though..:D

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