
Well Known Member
Where can I find info on building or obtaining a wedge for an aileron to correct a slightly heavy left wing?
I used balsa aileron stock from an R/C shop for both the rudder and aileron. Once I got the size I wanted, I covered it in epoxy and paint. I adhered to the skin with RTV silicone.

i used clear pine. set an angle on the blade of the table saw and ''let 'er rip''.
possible to make several angles in a few minutes. then finish up the one that works with paint and epoxy.
Same as Bob

Except I used plastic cutting board for the material from the Kitchen/Aviation section of WalMart
Wait, I thought we were suppose to squeeze the aileron trailing edge to correct a heavy wing?
Apples n oranges

Wait, I thought we were suppose to squeeze the aileron trailing edge to correct a heavy wing?

The ailerons on a -9(a) are constructed different than those you squeeze, like a 6,7,8, etc. (although perhaps it might work). The trailing edge on a -9 aileron is riveted, not folded.


has someone a Picture as i can see how does it look on the Plane (Aileron)??
I had also a (light) left heavy Wing..... maybe i can fix it with Flap on the Right side..
has someone a Picture as i can see how does it look on the Plane (Aileron)??
I had also a (light) left heavy Wing..... maybe i can fix it with Flap on the Right side..

Adjusting the flaps works but not well. The flaps are too far inboard to be very effective.
Adjusting the flaps works but not well. The flaps are too far inboard to be very effective.
For the RV-9 it may be just enough depending on how wing heavy you are. Compared to the shorter wing RV's with their relatively short flaps, I think the big -9 flaps (almost 8 feet long) do have a greater effect. You might compare the average angle of incidence for both flaps. (By average I mean measured at every couple of ribs and then averaged to address any twist in the flap). Then, if you have room to pull one or the other of the flaps up a bit higher by turning one or two more revolutions on the rod-end bearing, you may find that it addresses your issue. It did help for me.

Good luck.
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Thank you Gentleman for Feedbacks..

I will go forward at first with the Flap position... what you said.. the FLap is near to 3 Meters... I hop I can fix my (light) left Turning Plane....

or I will let fly the Auto Pilot during the complete flight..... here no issues are detected regarding a heavy Wing:))
Where can I find info on building or obtaining a wedge for an aileron to correct a slightly heavy left wing?

I'm surprised that no one has suggested aileron trim, manual or electric. I use mine (manual) all the time in my RV-6 as fuel burns off. Wouldn't be without it.:cool:
I'm surprised that no one has suggested aileron trim, manual or electric. I use mine (manual) all the time in my RV-6 as fuel burns off. Wouldn't be without it.:cool:

Me too. Right wing is slightly heavy, but using about 3/4 of the manual trim's throw brings it back nice and level. With full tanks, I always feed of the right tank first, which also helps the situation.