Oren, love the novel wedding escape vehicle.
I notice that the fuel tank has been relocated to the tail compartment?
I see no fuel filler tube and notice what I presume is the fuel line routed through the rear bulkhead.
I love your paint scheme.
This is the one with the Jab 3300 and fuel in the wings. Sharp eyes there Larry.
Oren, love the novel wedding escape vehicle.
I notice that the fuel tank has been relocated to the tail compartment?
I see no fuel filler tube and notice what I presume is the fuel line routed through the rear bulkhead.
I love your paint scheme.
What a great idea. Very unique. I can see a trend beginning.

Pat Garboden
Katy, TX

I don't want to spoil the thread but I would urge all those planning this type of event to be very cautious.
A wedding is considered to induce some stress (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holmes_and_Rahe_stress_scale), some fatigue and this could very well diminish judgement.
Flying a fly-by is also quite unusual for the average pilot.
Combining all this could (and I think already has) lead to a gruesome outcome.
Think it over carefully.

Best wishes to the newly-wed, fly safe.
congratulations to the newlyweds!
cool video :)

just as a data point regarding stress and wedding:
while i didn't fly or planned to fly on the day / day after our wedding, i would have been perfectly fine in retrospect. yes, it was emotional, however less stressful and more relaxing than some other days. then again i'm an ATC guy ;-)
so as long as you can focus and reason i don't see any problem with that at all.

and the last thing i'd do would be pointing the moral finger, which seems to get ever more popular in the land of the free :-( every one should know their temper, composure etc... best. about the only caution would be planning too firmly, not just because you don't know how "the day" is going to feel but also due to VFR weather etc...

Give your son and his new bride my congratulations, Oren! What a cool way to cement an airplane's place in the family. :D
Give your son and his new bride my congratulations, Oren! What a cool way to cement an airplane's place in the family. :D

Very well put Katie!

Congratulations to your son and his new bride, Oren!

Good looking kids and a great looking airplane. :)