
RV-3 folks,

I just finished giving my web site a makeover this weekend. Not much new content but I reorganized it to separate my own plane's site from the overall RV-3 stuff. The main site can still be found at www.rv-3.com (Unofficial RV-3 Headquarters), then my plane's site (Randy's RV-3 Works) is linked from that menu bar, or can be accessed directly here. The RV-3 Registry is not yet back up, will be shortly. BTW, is that useful to anyone?

Any links you may have directly to various pages or pics are probably now broken due to some directory name changing I've done... sorry about that.

Lastly, if there's anything the RV-3 community would like to see added that would help everyone please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Keep those RV-3s coming!


Dan C posted over 5500 photos! How many do you have?

The other thing that I am doing is going over your entire web site and picking out the mods and upgrades and making list. Thing such as plans errors, new parts cross over parts and such.

If you have more construction photos please post them!
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Aw schucks

Thanks for the comments, you're making me blush. Truly though, knowing that the effort is helping other folks makes it all worthwhile so thanks for letting me know!
Let's finish your list

The other thing that I am doing is going over your entire web site and picking out the mods and upgrades and making list. Thing such as plans errors, new parts cross over parts and such.

If you have more construction photos please post them!
Tony, see PM I just sent, I'm happy to share the rest of my notes etc. if you want to get together since you're not too far away.
Randy you have helped more of us than you know . I have used your -8 website MANNY times over the past year for reference . Thanks!!!
The best builder site I've seen.

Well laid out, easy to look at, thoughtfully written.

Not just photos but explanation of many thought processes and construction.