
Anyone have suggestions on a company to host a website?

Right now I use Yahoo Geocities and have considered upgrading to a 'no pop-up' type of service with them. Their price is OK. Don't expect to ever have a high traffic site but someday might get a real domain at least.

Mostly want to get updates done quick and not get wildly crazy with the webstuff. Need to be building the airplane! :)

Any other pros or cons as far as a web host that I should consider?

Website: GoflynRV7
I just moved my site over to Acenet. They have a heck of a deal for about $9 per month. They even registered my web domain for me as well. Do a Goggle on hosting services and you'll find Acenet. Check them out. Fast too.
DreamHost is $8/month and includes:
1 FREE domain registration
3 full domains, 15 subdomains
2400 MB Disk, 120 GB Transfer
600 Mailboxes, 75 Shell/FTP Users

I can't say enough good things about these guys. It appears to be a small operation, but they have an incredible set up. The disk space will be important if you want to put a lot of pictures on your site. 2400MB will hold quite a few at medium resolution (about 20,000 at the resolution I have on my site). DreamHost will also now install WordPress for you, which is a pretty slick web log package. I'm thinking about switching to using WordPress.


I reccomend

$50 per year for
3 Gig per month transfer.
500 meg disk space.
10 email address, including a catch-all.

or $90 per year for
10 Gig per month transfer.
1000 meg disk space.
25 email address, including a catch-all.

Monthly plans are avilable at slightly higher rates.
Dreamhost web support problems

I tired the Dreamhost site to launch my own website and I have had nothing but problems with it! Those people don't even have a phone number for you to call for support. Don't use them unless you really know what you are doing ahead of time...this is not a company for those with minimal knowledge of website management. 190.00 down the drain...
JetPilot said:
I tired the Dreamhost site to launch my own website and I have had nothing but problems with it! Those people don't even have a phone number for you to call for support. Don't use them unless you really know what you are doing ahead of time...this is not a company for those with minimal knowledge of website management. 190.00 down the drain...

Sorry to hear you're having issues. I've still had good experience with them. You've tried the DreamHost knowledge base? And the support forums? Feel free to send me a private message if you're stuck.