
Well Known Member
So, I was bored and made a web-based checklist editor with support for a few different well-known formats (Garmin, Dynon, etc.), and would love to get some feedback:


It's hosted on GitHub pages, just click the highlighted link after reading the disclaimer (on a computer/tablet - phone screen support is not yet there). All data stays on your browser's local storage.

This is an early version, so feel free to file bugs, send pull requests, etc. (but be gentle, I'm not really a web developer
Next time you get really bored 😜 add ForeFlight's mysterious FMD format, which I guess would be import-only to your editor.
Next time you get really bored 😜 add ForeFlight's mysterious FMD format, which I guess would be import-only to your editor.
Did some quick digging - verified that they're encrypted (not just compressed), and that they did at least a minimally good job of hiding the encryption key within the app binary :p I could dig deeper and maybe (just maybe) even extract it, but I'd be hesitant to publish an importer/exporter based on that, so I don't see a point. Their sample checklist is stored as JSON, so maybe it's just encrypted JSON...