
Well Known Member
Does anyone have a good experience with a web based builders Log? The issue is my partner uses a Mac which won't work with the Van's recommended KitLogPro.
I tried ExperiCraft but it seems to be broken right now (disconnected database for uploads and Blog).
I feel a web based solution would be great so we could both use it and it is best to save photos.
Thanks, Larry
I guess the purpose is a key question. For me, I just wanted to document the process with updates/photos and descriptions of my work. Two main reasons:

1. Document compliance with EAB 51% rule
2. Info that any subsequent owners of the airplane could use

I chose a simple blog for this purpose. I initially had a spreadsheet with time logs but found it too much to do both, and figured out that time spent in hours meant less to me than calendar time which the blog covers nicely.
Google Blogger

Not an airplane log but it works for me. Pretty sure it's OS and browser agnostic too.
Google Blogger.
Feel free to browse. Link is in my signature. Pretty simple to post, edit pages, upload photos, etc from almost any device.
Once a month or so, I print to a pdf file, save and print double sided color pages for my physical log.
Not an airplane log but it works for me. Pretty sure it's OS and browser agnostic too.
Google Blogger.
Feel free to browse. Link is in my signature. Pretty simple to post, edit pages, upload photos, etc from almost any device.
Once a month or so, I print to a pdf file, save and print double sided color pages for my physical log.

Sweet, thanks for pointing out Blogger! I was looking for something that would easily interface with my google photos.
I'm using wordpress and a few plugins for my build log:

It's working pretty well, and I like that on the left side of the page I can break down each section of the build and have it tally up the hour counts for each and then total.
Wordpress question

I'm using wordpress and a few plugins for my build log:

It's working pretty well, and I like that on the left side of the page I can break down each section of the build and have it tally up the hour counts for each and then total.

Would you know the names of the widgets you are using with Wordpress? And does it automatically tally time per page/entry? Thanks, Larry
Would you know the names of the widgets you are using with Wordpress? And does it automatically tally time per page/entry? Thanks, Larry

Here's a list of plugins I am using:

These two are available from the WordPress library:
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order <-- Used to break out the categories how I want
Get Custom Field Values <-- used to easily embed a custom field call in the post itself (My "Hours Worked" entries at the very bottom of each post for example).

These two are semi-custom plugins:
Category Total
Month Totals

They originally came from Dave Parsons, but they been modified over the years as others have updated them for newer versions. I have made some very minor modifications as Wordpress has been updated, I was seriously thinking about re-writing them, and combining them into one and putting it on GitHub for others to use, just need to find the time.

I am using a "Custom Field" in WordPress that is labeled as "Hours", and whenever I make a new post, I just select the "Hours" custom field and enter my value for that build session / blog entry. Those two plugins above do all the totaling work for each category which you see on the left of my blog. The plugin could easily be modified to include things like "Money Spent" or "Rivets Bucked", etc. But all the totaling for each category is handled automatically, all I do is enter the hours as a custom field for each blog post like shown here:


I can extract those plugins for you if you are interested in using them.
Use a custom blog deal as well. I just track my hours in a custom window like other people. I split mine by kits, but in reality a lot of random hours are getting put into 'Finishing'...
I use blogger, and to track hours and rivets I have a google sheets workbook where i can type into on my phone when I finish each day etc. You can then link straight to that worksheet with a HTML/JavaScript gadget and it gets displayed on the blog side panel. I just type what I?ve done into the sheet and select from the dropdown what category it?s related to (rudder) and it adds those hours to that section. It?s free and you don?t have to pay someone to host like Wordpress. All the photos I take with my phone sync automatically via google photos and can then be added into the blog directly (as blogger is owned by google).