
Well Known Member
Today...I (finally) got on board with Dan C's 'Weathermeister'. All I can say is WOW WOW & WOW :) . Dan must up real late at night cause his 'Weathermeister' website has more bells and whistles than anyone could imagine.

If you've got your big toe in the water....jump in....the water is great :D !


No....Dan didn't pay me for this advertisement.....anyone who knows me knows that I call 'em like I see 'em :) .

Great Job Dan!!!
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Thanks guys. I'll put this out there...if you subscribe and you're not happy with it within the first month, i.e. it doesn't live up to your expectations, email me and I'll refund your money.
Yeah, best weather source that I've come across.
I guess you could say, one of the best kept secrets.

John Hughes
RV-6 Sold
the_other_dougreeves said:
Weathermeister is great. The only thing, as far as I can tell, that it lacks is support for cell phone browsers....
That is absolutely true. I've heard good things from iphone users, but Treo & Blackberry users have complained that it doesn't fully work on those handsets. Not surprising, since those handsets aren't fully javascript compliant.

I've taken a bunch of flak from Kahuna about needing a "handset version" and I'm workin' on it. It's exactly what's planned for the next major release.
Consider this more flack.
Flack FLack
Now get me a PDA version and Im golden :)
I use a number of sites for weather, but consider Weathermeister to be my primary and final source for flying weather (and I have access to some of the top NOAA weather guys in the Space Met. Group). Absolutely great integration of various weather sources Dan!

I have used it on my Blackberry, and while it is not as good as the PC, it works OK when you don't have anything else....

I find that I only use it once a day usually. :)

I really appreciate the TFR's page more since Rancho Murrietta closed down their WX briefing.

Riverside Flight Service is so slow I end up hanging up and going without a briefing so I check WX meister in the mornings.
Weathermeister rules. Everyone needs the pay version. I use it everyday at work & everytime I fly at home.
Works great on the Iphone (everything except modifying your aircraft profile) and on my cellphone which is a sony ericson and has its own proprietary browser.
dan said:
I've taken a bunch of flak from Kahuna about needing a "handset version" and I'm workin' on it. It's exactly what's planned for the next major release.
Thanks! It will be much appreciated.

Otherwise, Weathermaster great - it's my primary flight planning tool.


davidkarlsberg said:
Works great on the Iphone (everything except modifying your aircraft profile) and on my cellphone which is a sony ericson and has its own proprietary browser.

Everything works great (Weathermeister) with the iPhone except I can't get any moving radar displays to work. Must be a Flash issue. Flash is coming to iPhone but not here yet. I was using iWeather for moving doppler radar returns and they worked GREAT on the iPhone. iWeather used TWC radar but apparently got a take down notice because they are now using NOAA. The NOAA display is not as cool as the TWC doppler moving radar displays and are more difficult to see. Difficult if one was cruising, at say, 1000 feet in a Taylorcraft and checking the weather on an iPhone using the EDGE connection.....hypothetically, of course.

I never could get the IM and email portion of Weathermeister working on my old phone (Sony s610a) but it works great on my new iPhone.