
Well Known Member
Shameless plug...moderators please delete this if it's not appropriate to post here.

Weathermeister (www.weathermeister.com) now offers a FREE 2-week trial subscription for new users. No obligation, no catch.

If you haven't seen Weathermeister yet, give it a try before your next flight.

Enjoy, and fly safe.
You can't miss on this deal.

I'll be quick to add that I'm a satisfied customer of Weathermeister. I use it frequently even if I'm not planning a trip. It's very user-friendly in Dan's standard format; however, he also provides the option to set up several personalized formats. I really think Dan has hit a home run here by setting up a system which extracts fresh data from several sources into one concise, customizable format for the pilot. I absolutely love the winds aloft interpolation and the resulting displays of "best economy" and "best speed" altitudes.

Have I said enough in this entirely unsolicited post to indicate I am very happy with my Weathermeister subscription?

With the offer of a free two-week subscription, you owe it to yourself to at least try it. :)

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Perfect modern combo

In my opinion, a handheld Garmin GPS with XM weather and a subscription to Weathermeister are two of the biggest bargains and changes in general aviation in my flying career (...first ride in about 1953).

Just used Weathermeister to bring a 9A from Washington State to Georgia. I planned three routes, to be used depending on weather. I had the three routes in the program and checked them often in deciding my route diagonally across America. Worked great! I was able to get great updates when I stopped for gas with just a quick login.

Dan, if the FSS transition to LM does not go well,you could step in as an alternative to FSS.:)
Dan! I tried to sign up but no joy. What is the activation code? :confused:
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The system sent an activation email to [email protected]. If you didn't get it you can email [email protected].

Just to let everybody know, I don't want this forum to be "Weathermeister support hotline." Don't take that the wrong way, let's just not use VAF for that purpose.


Got it. Nice site! I plane on flying the -10 to Laramie in the AM so this will come in handy.
Got it. Nice site! I plane on flying the -10 to Laramie in the AM so this will come in handy.

One trip, and you'll be hooked Larry! I only look at WM probably ten or twenty times a day.....:rolleyes:

(Even my Weather guys at work are impressed by it!)


This is what I've been waiting for! I will use it when I fly to Blakesburg, Iowa for the annual biplane fly-in. That will be a nice long trip and if I like the service, then I'll subscribe.

Thanks Dan.
Lets not forget the PDA version that works great on my little crackberry. Never leave home wothout it. I have a small little quick load mobile page I personally use for my mobile favorites. Dan's wx is the first link for a reason.

Keep up the great work Sharpie. When you retire I hope we are flying air shows....swapping lies about the good ole days of them small 35 ship formations:D

I use this product for personal and work related reasons. I can't tell you the number of times Weathermeister has save my behind. I Conduct flight testing for a very large organization. Last year I had a flight of 4 aircraft that needed to get to Cali from Yuma. The route that I wanted to fly would have taken us into one of three TFR (due to fires). Once I typed in the route, I knew changes had to be made in order to safely navigate back home. All the Info (WX, Notams % illumination, ect.) is there. Do yourself and the people that fly with you a favor, look into this product. By far the best product out there.

I agree with everything already said about Weathermeister. I've been using it since the time it was accessed through Dan's site and it is the greatest.

You can't go wrong with this site. I call for a briefing just to be in the system, but all the info I need is here, and I fly VFR all over the country.
And, it's responsive to customer input

I'm also in love with Weathermeister and use it almost daily. One very cool feature is that Dan jas been responsive to a couple of request. One example was a couple of months ago when I discovered that our airpark wasn't in his system. He popped it in within 48 hours of my request.

Great product!