
pierre, nice feature. thanks. not very usefull here in flat florida though.
Don't bet on it....

pierre, nice feature. thanks. not very usefull here in flat florida though.

...because I'm a flat-lander too but going to Osh last year needed 8500' to clear them. You will as well on your way to Osh....widen your view because these airplanes can take you to the West Coast in a day!

No tunnel vision here,
Glad you guys like it, and there's a lot more to come. I rolled the new feature out in very simplistic form...all it does right now is show you the terrain elevation. Over time there will be more added to it, like airspace, wind barbs, cloud bases (and possibly integrated tops reports), etc. These are features everybody is probably used to already in flight planners such as GoldenEagle FlightPrep...we're just aiming to provide them all right there in Weathermeister. So stay tuned for more.

FYI, the 2-month trial for VAF users is back on until March's the link:
A small bit of thread drift.


Do you have plans to allow the FAA to recognize a flied IFR flight to satisfy the weather brief requirements. Seems as if I have seen comments on this previously, but could not uncover it.


Do you have plans to allow the FAA to recognize a flied IFR flight to satisfy the weather brief requirements. Seems as if I have seen comments on this previously, but could not uncover it.


Having filed the flight plan alone won't cover you on 91.103. The conversations I've had with FSDO folks indicated that what's most important about being able to prove compliance with 91.103 is getting your weather information from a service that keeps your briefing request on record (logged). Weathermeister maintains 3+ months' worth of briefing log archives (we're also in the process of applying for FAA QICP certification to get the official stamp on this).
very satisfied!!!!!!!

thanks dan for such a great wx site. getting ready to renew subscription. it is a better wx brief than any i have seen. looking forward to having it faa approved. turbo
I am not flying my RV9 yet but signed up for the trial to see what the features are. I will be subscribing as soon as my plane is in the air. Absolutely wonderful tool. Thanks Dan!