
Well Known Member
I added a couple of IM interfaces to my http://www.rvproject.com/wx stuff. If you use either AIM or Yahoo Messenger, add contacts wxmetar and wxtaf and send them an airport identifier.

This is BETA so far. Comments welcome.
I've been looking into MSN Messenger APIs, and so far the answer is "NO WAY". The MSN protocol is too complex for its own good. And so is Passport.

Let's stick with simple stuff like AIM. Yahoo is supported only because it was easy.
very impressive

Very nice job, Dan!!! One humble question: Would I be the only one that would prefer it coded? Plain english was really nice when I was learning, but now it's a lot slower for me. Anybody else agree? Probably not. :eek:
Don't do it Dan

Brian130 said:
Very nice job, Dan!!! One humble question: Would I be the only one that would prefer it coded? Plain english was really nice when I was learning, but now it's a lot slower for me. Anybody else agree? Probably not. :eek:
Plain english was nice when I was learning, and it's still nice. Don't change it back to coded. It's one of the reasons I use your site. Maybe add the coded option for Brian. He seems like a nice guy. Jack
osxuser said:
It doesn't work for me on AIM, but I'm not too worried about it.

What's your AIM handle? You can find mine at http://www.rvproject.com/im -- drop me a line and we'll troubleshoot.

I just restarted the AIM & Yahoo bots a few minutes ago, so you may have tried it while they were down.